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Home Explore 2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

Published by Shekhar Singh Collections, 2022-01-11 06:38:28

Description: 2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

Keywords: 2003 - vol 2,National Parks,Biological profiles


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Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Old data New Data Names of P 1984-89 Sno PA code 1989-03 through the 198 NAG/N/INT NO Adjoining A 199 NAG/S/FAK NP Yes Dhansiri Re 200 NAG/S/PUL NP No 201 NAG/S/RAN NP No 202 ORI/N+S/BHI Yes No 203 ORI/S/BAD NP GKhaahliarmsuanthi as 204 ORI/S/BAI YES The protect 205 ORI/S/BAL NP connected t 206 ORI/S/CHA NO Binjipalli Re 207 ORI/S/CHI NP Yes Reserve Fo 208 ORI/S/DEB NP Yes Satakosia G No Not applica 209 ORI/S/HAD YES No 210 ORI/S/KAR No No 211 ORI/S/KHA NP No 212 ORI/S/KOT NP (1)Similipal 213 ORI/S/KUL Yes Reserve) is Sanctuary b Reserve Fo Forest towa (2) Hadgarh Kuladiha W north east w corridors th Yes Forest and Yes Ushakothi W No Similipal an *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10

ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length Across Dhansiri Assam state (connected to Forest. Frequently river. Precise length not known eserve Forest) used by elephants saaMncatruinaeryNtaotiotsnsaol uPtahr.k Coast Ajdoining PA ted area is also 2-5 km. Approximately 3 to forests of remaining Not applicable eserve Forest and Kansar orest. Forest Gorge Sanctuary Forest able Not applicable Tiger Reserve(Biosphere (I)Similipal to s connected with Hadgarh Hadgarh=11.5 km. by the forests of Satkosia (ii) Kuladiha to orest and Noto Reserve Hadgarh= 15.5 km. ards north of Hardgarh. (Distance as h is connected to measured on topo Wildlife Sanctuary on the sheet from boundary with sparsely vegetated Forest interspersed to boundary) hrough Gadasahi Reserve with habitations, Kuladiha Reserve Forest. cultivable land etc. Wildlife Sanctuary Forest 10-15 km. nd Hadgarh Forest About 105 km. hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 03

Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 214 ORI/S/LAK 1984-89 1989-03 through the Chandragiri NP Yes Alara-Rama Forest. Baisipalli Sa Sanctuary ( Khalasuni, S Satkosia, A 215 ORI/S/SATN Yes Kamakchya River Maha Satakosia G 216 ORI/S/SATS Yes forms a cor 217 ORI/S/SIM Yes Kuldiha and 218 ORI/S/SUN NP Yes Udanti Sanc 219 PUN/S/ABO NP No 220 PUN/S/AIS NP No 221 PUN/S/BHA NP No 222 PUN/S/BHU NP No 223 PUN/S/DOS NP No N.A. 224 PUN/S/GUR NO No 225 PUN/S/HAR NP No 226 PUN/S/MAH NP No 227 PUN/S/MOT NP No 228 PUN/S/TAK NP No 229 RAJ/N/DES NO No 230 RAJ/N/KEO No 231 RAJ/S/BAS No 232 RAJ/S/BHA No 233 RAJ/S/JAI Yes Kuravarh R *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10

ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length i Reserve Forest and aguda Protected Reserve Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests 146 km. Satkosia-Khalasuni- 70 km; South anctuary, Khalasuni Keonjhar-Satkosia- (70 km. Satkosia- River Mahanadi, 200 km; Athamallik- South Keonjhar-Kapilas- Forest of Hatidhara, Chhendipada- Athamalik-Chhendipada- Teleipathar, South Keonjhar-Satkosia- a Nagar South Keonjhar) Keonjhar, Kapilas. 225 km. anadi districts the Gorge Sanctuary and rridor River 40 kms d Hadgarh Forest 105 km. ctuary of Madhya Forest 10 km. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Range Forest Adjoining hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 04

Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Old data New Data Names of P 1984-89 Sno PA code 1989-03 through the YES 234 RAJ/S/JAM Yes Sariska Tig Yes Ranthambh 235 RAJ/S/KELA Yes Van Vihar S 236 RAJ/S/KUM NO Todgarh Ra 237 RAJ/S/NAH No 238 RAJ/S/PHU No No 239 RAJ/S/SAJJ No 240 RAJ/S/SIT NO No 241 RAJ/S/TAL Yes Kumbhalga 242 RAJ/S/TOD Yes Kela Devi W 243 RAJ/S/VAN NO 244 SIK/N/KHA NP Yes Maenam W 245 SIK/S/BAR No No 246 SIK/S/FAM NP 247 SIK/S/KYON N.A. Yes No 248 SIK/S/MAE NP 249 SIK/S/SHIN No Khangchan 250 TN/N/GUI NO No 251 TN/N/GUL NP No 252 TN/N/IND Eravikulam NP 253 TN/N/MUD Yes Rarambikul Bandipur na Yes wildlife sanc 254 TN/N/MUK NP Yes Silent Valle 255 TN/S/CHI NP No *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10

ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length Both PA's are ger Reserve Forest adjoining. hore Tiger Reserve (core); Ravines, forests and Sanctuary, Dholpur agriculture fields. 90 km. aoli wildlife sanctuary Forest 10 km. arh wildlife sanctuary Forest Adjoining Wildlife Sanctuary Forest 70 km. Wildlife Sanctuary Forest N.A. N.A. The two PAs are ngdzonga National Park Forest contiguous. N.P Chinnar and lam WLS Forest 60kms. 30kms to Bandipur, 5-10 K.M. Radius addacent to ational park and wayanad 45-50kms to surrounding P.A. ctuary Wayanad ey Forest hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 05

Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 256 TN/S/GRI 1984-89 1989-03 through the 257 TN/S/KAN NP Yes Project Tige 258 TN/S/KARA NP No 259 TN/S/KARI NP 260 TN/S/KOO NP No 261 TN/S/MEL NP No 262 TN/S/POIN NP 263 TN/S/PUL NO No 264 TN/S/UDA Yes Pulicat-And 265 TN/S/VAD NP No 266 TN/S/VALL NP No 267 TN/S/VED NP No 268 TN/S/VELL NO No 269 TN/S/VET NP No 270 TRI/S/GUM NP No 271 TRI/S/TRI NP No 272 UP/S/BAK NP No 273 UP/S/CHA No 274 UP/S/KAC NO No 275 UP/S/KAI No Yes Bagdara Sa 276 UP/S/KAT Dudhwa Na 277 UP/S/LAK Yes Bardia Natio 278 UP/S/MAH No 279 UP/S/NAT No Not known 280 UP/S/NAW No 281 UP/S/OKH No 282 UP/S/PAR No 283 UP/S/PAT No 284 UP/S/RAN No No *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10

ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected Corridor type Corridor length e forest corridor Forest 5.6 km. er Thekkadi dhra Pradesh Wetlands 5kms. anctuary, Sidhi, M.P Forest 50 Km ational Park and Royal onal Park of Nepal Forests and wetland Not available hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 06

Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Old data New Data Names of P 1984-89 Sno PA code No 1989-03 through the 285 UP/S/SAMN No 286 UP/S/SAMS No Valmiki Tige 287 UP/S/SAN Yes 288 UP/S/SOH No Sonanadi S 289 UP/S/SUH No Yes National Pa 290 UP/S/SURA No 291 UP/S/SURS Govind Wild 292 UP/S/VIJ YES Park and Ke Sanctuary 293 UTT/N/COR Gangotri Na 294 UTT/N/GAN Yes 295 UTT/N+S/GOV Yes 296 UTT/S/ASK Yes Nanda Dev 297 UTT/S/BIN NP No 298 UTT/S/BINO No 299 UTT/S/KED NO No 300 UTT/S/SON Yes Rajaji Natio Panjhora B conneted w 301 WB/N/GOR NP Yes Sanctuary. Contiguous 302 WB/N/NEO Yes Bhutan 303 WB/N/SUN No Missing pag 304 WB/S/BAL NO No 305 WB/S/BET NP No NA *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10

ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length er Reserve (Bihar) Forest 20 km. Sanctuary and Rajaji Forest ark. dlife Sanctuary/National Forest, grassland, Approximately 60 edarnath Wildlife glaciers km. Each ational Park 30 km. vi and Binsar Forest approximately. Forest, snow capped Nanda Devi: 20-40 peaks, degraded Km. and Binsar: 30- forests 40 km. onal Park Forest 30 km. 4.5 Block of Jalpaiguri Division Not known NA with Chapramari Wildlife Forest (Panjhora Block) s with forest of Sikkim and Forest ges NA hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 07

Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 306 WB/S/BIB 1984-89 1989-03 through the NP No Does not ar 307 WB/S/CHA Panjhara bl 308 WB/S/HAL Yes No Garumara n 309 WB/S/LOT NP No block conne 310 WB/S/RAI NP No forest to Ne 311 WB/S/RAM NP No NO Other adjac 312 WB/S/SEN Yes and Nepal NP *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10

ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length Does not arise rise Does not arise Not known lock connected with national park and Sipchu ected with Kalinpong eora Valley National Park. Forest cent forests in the district Not surveyed Forests hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 08

Table 1.6: Overpopulation of Fauna in the PA 109

Table 1.6: Overpopula Sno PA code Old data-1984-87 New Data 1998-03 Species 1 A&N/S/INT NO Yes Elephan 2 AP/N/MAH NP Yes Chital 3 AP/S/GUN Susxcrof NP Yes boar 4 AP/S/KRI NP Yes Otter 5 AP/S/KRI 6 AP/S/PAP Yes Fox NP Yes Wild Boa AP/S/PAP AP/S/PAP Hare Bison 7 ASS/N/KAZ NP Elephan 8 ASS/S/BAR NP Yes maximus 9 ASS/S/GIB NP Indian E Yes maximus Elephan Yes maximus 10 ASS/S/POB NP Yes Rhino Indian E 11 ASS/S/SON NP Yes maximus 12 BIH/S/RAJ NO Yes Wild boa 13 CHD/S/SUK No Yes Sambar 11

ation of Fauna in the PA s New Data 1998-03 Management Initiative nt Cause fa cristatus wild Not known Translocation to other PAs, Lack of adequate number of this recourse is working well. ar predators. No Crops in fring areas Availability of food due to prawn Nil culture tanks Availablity of food due to prawn NIL culture tanks NIL Due to protection NIL Due to protection NIL Due to protection Capture, sale translocation nt (Elephas Suitable habitat of Kaziranga etc. now prohibited. Park s) National Park former habitat in authority regularly drawing surrounding area destruction attention of all concerned Elephant (Elephas about deforestation and s) Cessation of elephant capturing preservation of wildlife habitat. nt (Elephas Habitat degradation s) Non Protection, Successful breeding Not yet Proposal submitted for translocation to some Rhino to Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary Elephant (Elephas High breeding and non capture Capturing by creating Mahals s) for a long period ie. awarding contracts for ar Suitable habitat capturing elephants None Because of good habitat, good drinking water facilities available Not required throughout the area and effective protection. 10

Table 1.6: Overpopula Sno PA code Old data-1984-87 New Data 1998-03 Species CHD/S/SUK NO Yes Wild boa 14 HAR/N/SUL NP Yes Nilgai NP Termites HAR/N/SUL NP Yes Nilgai 15 HAR/S/BIRB Rhesus NP Yes Hares HAR/S/BIRB Monkey HAR/S/BIRB Yes Wild Pig 16 HAR/S/BIRS Rhesus HAR/S/BIRS Yes (Macaca Common 17 HAR/S/KAL Yes (Presbyt No Wild Pig HAR/S/KAL No Black Bu HAR/S/KAL Yes 18 HAR/S/NAH No White Ib Yes Banded 19 KAR/S/GUD NP No Moorhen No Pheasan 20 KAR/S/SHA NO Yes Egrets 21 MAH/N/AND YES No 22 MAH/N/PEN NP Tiger, Bi 23 MAH/N/SAN Spotted 24 MAH/S/AMB NP Deer, Sa 25 MAH/S/GYA Peacock 26 MAH/S/KAL N.A 27 MAH/S/KAR NO Liopard( 28 MAH/S/KAT N.A 29 MAH/S/NAG Blue Bul No Nil Wild Boa No 11

ation of Fauna in the PA s New Data 1998-03 Management Initiative Cause ar Because of good habitat, good Not required drinking water facilities available s or White Ants throughout the area and Deepening tank and Raising effective protection. of plants for nesting and macaque Over Breeding Breeding. Formation of soil Due to dry plants. bund in middle of the Tank. g Increase in Births For cutting bushes, shrubs & macaque Increase in Births to make nests a Mulatta) Increase in Births The tourism zone, Protection n langoor Over Breeding as well as making fodder tis entellus) Over Breeding form and salt lick, Water holes, Check Dams, Gully g (Sus scrofa) Over breeding plugs etc uck Over breeding Over breeding bis, Spoon bill, Due to Flood & heavy rains the Krait, Purple eggs are collapsing during 99- n, Coot, 2000 about 5000nos. nt- tailed Jacana, ison, Panther, These are in sufficient number Deer, Mouse and not over populated ambar, Bear, k (64+) Protection No ll Protection No Protection and scientific Not at all ar & Black Buck management 11

Table 1.6: Overpopula Sno PA code Old data-1984-87 New Data 1998-03 Species 30 MAH/S/NAI No No 31 MAH/S/NAR NP No NONE 32 MAH/S/PAI NP No No 33 MAH/S/RAD No None 34 MAH/S/SAG Yes Antilope 35 MAH/S/TIP Yes cervicap Blue Bul 36 MAN/N/KEI 37 MEG/N/BAL NO Yes Hog dee 38 MIZ/S/DAM NP No NA NO Yes Wild boa MIZ/S/DAM Indan wo 39 MP/N/VAN NP Yes Spotted 40 MP/S/NOR 41 ORI/S/BAL Boselaph 42 ORI/S/DEB NP Yes tragocam 43 RAJ/S/JAI NP Yes Spotted NP Yes Wild boa 44 RAJ/S/JAM No NA 45 RAJ/S/NAH Blue bull 46 TN/N/IND 47 TN/S/GRI NO Yes trecscam 48 TN/S/KAN Blue bull 49 TN/S/KARA 50 TN/S/KARI NO Yes tregocam 51 TN/S/KOO NP Yes Bonnet M 52 TN/S/MUD NP Yes Wild boa 53 TN/S/UDA 54 TN/S/VAD No Nil 55 TN/S/VED No Nil No N.A TN/S/VED No N.A TN/S/VED No Nil TN/S/VED No Nil No Nil NO Yes Open Bil Glossy Ib White Ib Cormora 11

ation of Fauna in the PA New Data 1998-03 s Cause Management Initiative pere(Black buck) No natural predator No ll It breeds every six months and None er (Axis porcinus) enjoys strict protection Supplement feeding ar (Sus scrofa) Fast reproduction provided (by barseem and olf (Canis lupes) Fast reproduction dry grasses). Grazing control measures are deer Over grazing being taken, though without success. hus (1) Inadequate predators (2) None melus Stray cattle population is prey None deer base for predators. ar (Sus scrofa) Inbreeding. None Prolific breeder. None l (Borephus Lack of predation. melus). Lack of predation. l (Bosellaphus Limited predators melus). Crop damage -Not arise Macaque ar (Sus-Scrofa) ll stork Seasonal habitat Nil bis Seasonal habitat Nil bis Seasonal habitat Nil ant Seasonal habitat Nil 12

Table 1.6: Overpopula Sno PA code Old data-1984-87 New Data 1998-03 Species 56 TN/S/VELL NP Yes Fish 57 UTT/N/COR NO Yes Indian el YES Yes maximus 58 UTT/S/KED YES No Leopard 59 WB/N/GOR NP No pardus) 60 WB/N/SUN NP Yes None 61 WB/S/BAL Yes Not know NP Axis axis 62 WB/S/BET Yes No Chital 63 WB/S/BIB No 64 WB/S/HAL Yes Chital (A 65 WB/S/LOT NA Yes NA 66 WB/S/RAI No Open bil (Anastom 67 WB/S/RAM NP 68 WB/S/SEN Spotted Nil 11

ation of Fauna in the PA New Data 1998-03 s Cause Management Initiative Not caught Nil lephant (Elephas Loss of natural migratory The following proposals have s) corridors, disproportionate male been sent to the government female ratio. - translocating elephants to d (Panthera other areas, capturing Prolific breeder elephants for domestic purposes, sterilisation of male elephants wn High birth rate Translocation proposed. s(Spotted deer) Translocation to other Lack of Predators. forests. Axis axis) Lack of space Yes,by translocation of deer from this park to another habitat. ll Stork Congenial habitat and proper No such step has been mus oscitans) protection. taken. Adequate natural and supplied Rotational grazing since Deer (Axis axis) food, primary and security. 1992. Artificial fodder cultivation has been adopted, providing medical insurance. 13

Table 1.7: Threatened Species of Fauna in the PAs 114

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P 1 A&N/S/NAR 87 03 Tiger Popula 2 A&N/S/NOR Nil No 3 AP/S/ETU Nil No YES Yes AP/S/ETU Indian Gaur >1 AP/S/ETU Wild dog, Heyna AP/S/ETU Panther AP/S/ETU Barking deer, Leopard cat AP/S/ETU 4 AP/S/GUN Four horned Antelope 1 5 AP/S/KOL NP Yes Panthera tigris (Tiger) NO Yes Pelican Abund 6 AP/S/PAK YES Yes Tiger AP/S/PAK NO Yes Indian Gaur AP/S/PAK Wild Dog AP/S/PAK Panther AP/S/PAK Mugger crocodile AP/S/PAK Heyna AP/S/PAK Leopard Cat AP/S/PAK Giant squirrel AP/S/PAK Barking deer AP/S/PAK Pythons 7 AP/S/PAP Tiger AP/S/PAP Sambar 11

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline 18 14 Habitat degradation Eco-development programme is being implemented 1000 Rinderpest & FMD 20 epidemics during 210 1976 & 1981-82 7 1300 15 Migration 25 Disturbance of dant Few nesting place Habitat degradation Eco-development programmes is being implemented. rinder pest & FFD epidemic during 1976 4 & 1981-82 2 26 Disturbances due to Protection podu cultivation and Protection 8 timber felling Disturbance due to podu cult. & timber Abundant felling 15

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 8 ARU/N/NAM White Winged Wood Data ARU/N/NAM Duck (Cairina avail NO Yes seutulata) Data ARU/N/NAM avail Tiger (Panthera tigris) ARU/N/NAM Panther (Panthera pardus) ARU/N/NAM Clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) ARU/N/NAM Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) ARU/N/NAM Musk deer ARU/N/NAM Red panda ARU/N/NAM Marbled cat (Felis marmorata) ARU/N/NAM Golden cat 9 ARU/S/MEH Hog deer ARU/S/MEH ARU/S/MEH NO Yes Tiger ARU/S/MEH ARU/S/MEH Sambar ARU/S/MEH Musk Deer ARU/S/MEH Mishmi Takin ARU/S/MEH Slow Loris ARU/S/MEH Leopard Barking deer 10 ARU/S/YOR Pangolin Serow ARU/S/YOR NP Yes Tiger Flying Squirrel (Hylopates albonigec) 11

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation None Current NA Population Cause of decline NA NA 5 individuals NA were sighted NA in December Habitat loss in areas NA NA 1997 adjoining the PA NA NA Human disturbance NA and poaching 33 Human disturbance a not and poaching lable a not Human disturbance lable and poaching Human disturbance and poaching Human disturbance and poaching Human disturbance and poaching Human disturbance and poaching Human disturbance and poaching Human disturbance and poaching Loss of habitat and 5 hunting Loss of habitat and hunting Hunting Hunting Loss of Habitat Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Data not available Poaching / Hunting Data not available 16

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P ARU/S/YOR 87 03 Species Popula 11 ASS/N/MAN Musk Deer Data ASS/N/MAN avail ASS/N/MAN NP Yes Rhino ASS/N/MAN No Re ASS/N/MAN Swamp Deer ASS/N/MAN No Re Hispid Hare 12 ASS/N/NAME No Re Pigmy Hog No Re Dhole No Re Buffalo No No Re 13 ASS/N/ORA NP Yes Rhino Census no done and n sightings h been repor 14 ASS/S/BAR NP Yes Pigmy hog since 1990 ASS/S/BAR Hispid hare Census no ASS/S/BAR (Caprolagus hispidus) done and n ASS/S/BAR Hog deer (Axis citing since ASS/S/BAR percinus) 1990 ASS/S/BAR Wild pig (Sus scrofa) As per cen done in 199 Pea fowl As per cen Hornbill done in 199 As per cen done in 199 As per cen done in 199 11

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current a not Population Cause of decline The PA management is trying to control hunting and lable Data not destruction of habitat available The PA management is trying to control hunting and ecord destruction of habitat No estimate Hunting The PA management is trying to control hunting and ecord destruction of habitat No estimate Hunting The PA management is trying to control hunting and ecord Hunting, Habitat destruction of habitat The PA management is trying to control hunting and ecord No estimate destruction destruction of habitat Hunting, Habitat The PA management is trying to control hunting and ecord destruction of habitat No estimate Destruction ecord Hunting, Habitat No estimate Destruction Hunting, Habitat No estimate destruction 97 46 Poaching Protection measures strengthened, but these are not adequate due to lack of funds, manpower, fire arms etc. ot Poaching Strict protection has been given no have Poaching Strict protection has been given rted 15 Poaching Strict protection has been given 0 13 Poaching Strict protection has been given 14 Poaching Strict protection has been given ot 10 Poaching Strict protection has been given not e nsus 97 nsus 97 nsus 97 nsus 97 17

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 15 ASS/S/BUR 16 ASS/S/EKAR Yes Yes Rhino Not known 17 ASS/S/GAR No Elephant 18 ASS/S/KAR Yes Yes Rhino 19 ASS/S/LAO No No Ant eater 20 ASS/S/NAMB NP Yes 21 BIH/S/RAJ No YES Yes 22 CHT/S/BHA NP Yes Wild Buffalow 23 CHT/S/GOM None No 24 CHT/S/PAM NP Yes Wild Buffalow 14 individu NO Yes in 1 25 CHT/S/TAM Tiger (Panthera tigris) None No Leopard (Panthera 31 individu CHT/S/TAM NO Yes pardus) in 1 Common Peafowl CHT/S/TAM Nil No (Para cristatus) Comm 26 GOA/S/BON found ea 27 GUJ/N/BAN Panther GUJ/N/BAN Spotted deer GUJ/N/BAN Barking deer GUJ/N/BAN Hyena GUJ/N/BAN Jungle cat 28 GUJ/S/RAT 11

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline 85 0 Mass poaching in 1983 bReecianutrsoeduocftcioonllaopfsrehinoof 21 Loss of forest cover in adNjoinneing areas 110 Poaching Human interference. NTFP Collection and degradation of habitat due to human 11 and cattle pressure Nil The Wild buffalow has declined in the PA due to degradation of the habitat because of human and cattle pressure and NTFP 43 Nil collection uals 6 individuals in 1993 1999 Due to migration uals 15 individuals 1983 in 1999 Due to migration monly Occasionally arlier found now Due to migration 5 22 3 3 1 18

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula Chinkara (Gazella 29 GUJ/S/WIL NP Yes gazella) 2000 to 50 GUJ/S/WIL Caracal ( Felis Caracal) GUJ/S/WIL Antilope cervicarpa ( 5000 p Black buck) 30 HAR/S/BIRB NP Yes 31 HAR/S/BIRS NP Yes Peacock Panther 32 HAR/S/CHIL NP Yes All avifauna 33 HAR/S/KAL NP Yes Yes Sambar (Cervus 34 HAR/S/SAR NP unicolor), Spotted Yes deer or chital (Axis 35 HP/S/DAR YES axis), Barking Deer (Muntiacus muntjak), and Gorals (Nemorhaedus goral) Hog Deer, Black Partridge, Porcupine and Grey Partridge Musk deer, Blue sheep, Western tragopan, Monal pheasant, Chir pheasant 11

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation 000 Current Habitat restoration activities are being taken up by Population Cause of decline the sanctuary management along with more vigil plus against poaching. The results are encouraging. 100 Loss of habitat, hunting and Habitat restoration activities are being taken up by disturbance due to the sanctuary management along with more vigil 865 salt farming against poaching. The results are encouraging. Loss of habitat, Habitat restoration activities are being taken up by hunting and the sanctuary management along with more vigil disturbance due to against poaching. The results are encouraging. Not known salt farming Increasing awareness of local people and protection in the PA Loss of habitat, hunting and disturbance due to 119 salt farming Use of pestcides in 60 agricultural fields 2 Silting and lack of habitat Habitat improvement with artificial plantations & protection works. Habitat loss and Stopped giving forest areas for nautod to local disturbance from people and started providing protection human activities 19

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 36 HP/S/GAM YES Yes Hangul 20-25 ab 37 HP/S/KAI None No 20 years Monal 38 HP/S/KAL YES Yes Western tragopan 10 individu 39 HP/S/KAN Yes Yes Musk deer were coun Yes Leopard in the 1995 HP/S/KAN Yes Yes Monal Pheasant HP/S/KAN Yes cen 40 HP/S/KHO 41 HP/S/KUG NO Yes Musk Deer 300- 42 HP/S/MAN None No 43 HP/S/TUN NO Yes Musk Deer 40-50 app 44 J&K/N/HEM Nil No 45 J&K/N/KIS YES Yes Snow Leopard Brown 7 J&K/N/KIS bear 7 Nil No Hangul 46 J&K/S/CHA Nil No 47 J&K/S/KAR 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline A proposal was submitted for the Hangul, but not bout sanctioned. Only past records of the forest ago Hunting department show that the Hangul was found in the PA. However, it has never been recorded in any of the census carried out by the PA authorities. The presence of the Hangul in the PA is, however, reported by the local people living within and around the PA. uals None have None nted been counted Fire protection 5-96 Protection nsus in the 1999 None census Not known Strict protection Forest fires Poaching None at present Unknown Hunting -400 Natural factors like glaciers, predation & perhaps diseases and undetected 20 Approx. poaching prox. Natural factors like None at Present glaciers, predation & perhaps diseases and undetected 10-12 approx. poaching to 8 7 to 8 No management initiative has taken by the to 8 7 to 8 department so far to regenerate the population of snow leopard 20

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 48 JHA/S/HAZ NO Yes All the mammals Abund 49 JHA/S/UDH NP Yes Snake Bird 50 KAR/N/BANN No No 51 KAR/S/ATT NA No Hyna Extinct 52 KAR/S/BIL Yes Yes Mouse deer Abundant Yes Four horned antelope Abundant KAR/S/BIL Yes Yes KAR/S/BIL Mouse Deer - NO Yes Tragulus Meminna 53 KAR/S/MOO Yes KAR/S/MOO NP Yes King Cobra - 10- No Ophiophagus Hannah 30 KAR/S/MOO NO Yes 15 KAR/S/MOO NP No Lion Tailed Macaque - KAR/S/MOO NA No Macaca Silenus 54 KAR/S/PUS NO Yes Otters KAR/S/PUS Slender Lorris KAR/S/PUS YES No Lion Tailed Macaque 55 KAR/S/SHA Malabar Squirrels Indian Gaur 56 KAR/S/TAL Lion tailed Macaque 57 KER/S/ARA Lion tailed macaqu Not availa 58 KER/S/CHIN KER/S/CHIN Grizzled Giant Squirrel Nilgiri tahr 59 MAH/N/AND No 60 MAH/N/PEN None 61 MAH/N/SAN Wild boar MAH/N/SAN Rabbit MAH/N/SAN Peafowl 62 MAH/S/AMB None 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline A breeding enclosure has been made where cheetal dant and sambar have been kept (numbering 20) for the Habitat destruction purpose of protection and breeding. However, the Rare and poaching result is not satisfactory. Besides this, no other initiative has been taken Illegal fishing Patrolling has been intensified Nil Habitat destruction 20 Habitat destruction 40 Habitat destruction 1500 No survey has been done -Aug 400 No survey has been done 0-40 5-20 100 No survey has been done 50 No survey has been done 20 30 No survey has been done Autipoaching camps for better protection able 6-Apr Poaching Anti poaching camps for better protection 25-30 Poaching Antipoaching camps for better protection NA 16-Dec Poaching NA Anti-poaching camps have been started. It has to 5 Migration be intensified 6-May Hunting NA NA Poaching Poaching & illegal hunting Poaching 21

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P 63 MAH/S/ANE 87 03 Popula Chinkara & Back NP Yes napped hare 64 MAH/S/BHA No 65 MAH/S/BHI Yes Yes Giant squirrel Not availab 66 MAH/S/CHAN Yes Yes Mouse deer MAH/S/CHAN Yes Indian giant squirrel MAH/S/CHAN Yes Tiger MAH/S/CHAN Yes Leopard 67 MAH/S/CHAP NP Yes Tiger 68 MAH/S/DEU Yes Yes Chinkara MAH/S/DEU Yes Indian wolf MAH/S/DEU Yes Black buck Barking Deer,Chinkara & Blue 69 MAH/S/GAU NP Yes Bull 70 MAH/S/GRE Yes Yes Great Indian bustard MAH/S/GRE Yes Black buck MAH/S/GRE Yes Wolf MAH/S/GRE Yes Chinkara 71 MAH/S/GYA No 72 MAH/S/JAI No Not available 73 MAH/S/KAL NO Giant squirrel,Barking Yes deer & Sambar 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Village level meetings are organised to educate ? Population Cause of decline people regarding conversation. Encroachment & No threat to any schedule animals as there is no hunting biotic interference with in the PA, as the terrain is inaccessible hilly & devoid of human population ble 300 approximateRlyeduction in habitat Poaching The species needs wooded area with close canopy which can not be artificially created. So protection to 35 Disturbance in habitat this species and its habitat is provided. 2 Disturbance in habitat Strict protection 6 Disturbance in habitat Habitat development works are necessary. Habitat development works are necessary. Habitat development works are necessary. Excessive biotic 1.Habitat improvement works undertaken.2. interference & Excessive patrolling & protection measures.3. These contiguous similar measures resulted in increase in the prey base & as habitat of adjacent a result the Tiger population is likely to increase to its 9 5 territorial forest areas. original status. Village ecodevelopment (Ved) at Rehekuri village for 9 Biotic interference past 3 years. Village ecodevelopment (Ved) at Rehekuri village for 2 Human and cattle past 3 years 535 Grazing pressure has increased over the years. Ban on grazing in certain areas 38 3614 37 29 Sanctuary declared last year. So it can't be estimated right now Habitat Habitat improvement, soil & water conservation& fragmentation, water reducing biotic pressure by introducing VED scacity & biotic pressure 22

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P 74 MAH/S/KAR 87 03 Nil Popula 75 MAH/S/KAT No No 76 MAH/S/MAL No Not known No 77 MAH/S/MAY Yes Yes Chinkara MAH/S/MAY Yes Wolf MAH/S/MAY Yes Fox 78 MAH/S/NAG None 79 MAH/S/NAI No No 80 MAH/S/NAR No None No 81 MAH/S/PAI NP Yes Tiger 8 to MAH/S/PAI Sloth bear Not availa MAH/S/PAI Bison Not availa 82 MAH/S/RAD No None 83 MAH/S/SAG Canis lupus NP Yes pallipes(Indian wolf) 3 MAH/S/SAG Manis 1 crassicaudate(Pangoli MAH/S/SAG n) 84 MAH/S/TIP Hyaena 85 MAH/S/WAN hyaena(Hyaena) No None NP Panthera tigris & Yes Panthera pardos 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline Management plan under preparation, habitat improvement done 1999-2000, water hole 105 improvement. Management plan under preparation, habitat improvement done 1999-2000, water hole 8 improvement. Management plan under preparation, habitat improvement done 1999-2000, water hole 5 improvement. o 10 2 Regular fire None at present,but will undertake some initiatives able 6 to 8 Human disturbance for future. able 1 to 2 None at present,but will undertake some initiatives to 4 for future. to 2 None at present,but will undertake some initiatives 2 for future. NA 2 to 3 Habitat disturbance 1 Habitat Disturbance 1 Habitat disturbance NA NA 23

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 86 MAN/N/KEI YES Yes Brow-antlered deer. MAN/N/KEI Otter 87 MAN/S/YAN Yes Yes Hoolock gibbon 88 MEG/N/BAL NP Elephas maximus Yes (Indian Elephant) MEG/N/BAL Bos gaurus (Indian No cen bison) MEG/N/BAL Panthera tigris (Tiger) No cen MEG/N/BAL Panthera pardus No cen (Leopard) 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline Population is on the Scientific management has not been taken up so rise but it is not far. However, habitat management is going on. encouraging due to habitat disturbance caused by frequent flooding of the dam and vegetable 149 collection by humans. 300 Population is on the Scientific management has not been taken up so 910 rise but it is not far. However, habitat management is going on. nsus encouraging due to nsus habitat disturbance Extension of PA, habitat amelioration, anti-poaching nsus caused by frequent measures, conservation education, awareness flooding of the dam campaigns, etc proposed in the management plan and vegetable for 2000-2005 collection by humans. 200 Biotic interference Extension of PA, habitat amelioration, anti-poaching measures, conservation education, awareness Migration, natural or campaigns, etc proposed in the management plan accidental deaths, for 2000-2005 741 poaching etc. Extension of PA, habitat amelioration, anti-poaching Migration, natural or measures, conservation education, awareness accidental deaths, campaigns, etc proposed in the management plan poaching, etc. for 2000-2005 Migration, natural or Extension of PA, habitat amelioration, anti-poaching accidental deaths, measures, conservation education, awareness poaching, etc. campaigns, etc proposed in the management plan for 2000-2005 Migration, natural or accidental deaths, poaching, etc. 24

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 89 MEG/N/NOK MEG/S/NON NP Yes Tiger, Leopard, Gaur, YES Sambar, Barking deer, Serrow, Census Himalayan black bear, yet conduc Slow lorris, Rhesus macaque, Assamese macaque, Capped langur, Great Indian Hornbill, Peacock pheasant, Khaleej pheasant Tiger, Wild Buffalo, Indian Bison 90 MEG/S/SIJ NP Elephas maximus Yes (Indian elephant) MEG/S/SIJ Bos gaurus (Indian No cen bison), Panthera tigris (Tiger), Panthera pardus (Leopard) 91 MIZ/N/PHA NP Yes Tiger Pangolin MIZ/N/PHA 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline NA Destruction of habitat Protection is being done as per Wildlife (Protection) s not NA and hunting Act 1972. Management activities are yet to be cted started (species specific). 910 Not known Hunting None Migration, natural or Extension of PA, habitat amelioration, antic accidental deaths, poaching measures, conservation education, 741 poaching, etc. awareness campaigns etc. proposed in the management plan for 2000-2005 nsus Migration, natural or Extension of PA, habitat amelioration, anti poaching accidental deaths, measures, conservation education, awareness poaching, etc. campaigns etc. proposed in the management plan for 2000-2005 Migration outside the Existing area has been notified as a national park. PA makes the Existing area has been notified as a national park. animals prone to hunting. Also extensive habitat degradation outside the PA which adversely affects 4 animals. Migration outside the PA makes the animals prone to 10 hunting 25

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula MIZ/N/PHA NO Hoolock gibbon 92 MIZ/S/DAM NP Yes Hoolock gibbon 93 MP/N/BAN Yes Gaur (Bos gaurus) NO 94 MP/N/SAT Yes Giant Squirrel Not kn MP/N/SAT Flying Squirrel Not kn MP/N/SAT Pangolin Not kn 95 MP/N/VAN NO Yes Black buck 96 MP/S/GAN NO Yes Bear 3 YES Yes 97 MP/S/KAR NP Yes Black buck (Antelope 98 MP/S/KUN cervicapra) Nil No Black buck MP/S/KUN No No Chinkara MP/S/KUN Four horned Antelope MP/S/KUN Leopard MP/S/KUN Sloth bear MP/S/KUN Tiger MP/S/KUN Mugger MP/S/KUN Gharial 99 MP/S/ORC 100 MP/S/SON 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Existing area has been notified as a national park. 200 Population Cause of decline For protection, regular patrolling is carried out 29 Consultation called for. Migration outside the nown PA makes the Repairing of fences, habitat improvement and nown animals prone to supplement feeding. nown 14 hunting 24 Poaching So far no initiative has been taken in this regard, but 183 1 Migration in future we intend to do so. Due to lack of proper Not known management. Due to lack of proper Not known management. Due to lack of proper Not known management. Migration and improper and 25 inadequate feeding. 3777 At present in our census Heavy biotic bears are not interference and recorded, but unsuitable habitat indirect traces may have forced confirm their them to leave this existence. area. Decline in the population due biotic 911 pressure. 26

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 101 NAG/N/INT NO Yes Gaur (Bos gaurus) NAG/N/INT Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) NAG/N/INT Hoolock gibbon NAG/N/INT NAG/N/INT Elephant NAG/N/INT Tiger NAG/N/INT Leopard Samal 102 NAG/S/FAK NP Yes Gaur NAG/S/FAK Blyth's Tragopan 103 NAG/S/PUL NP Yes Sambar NAG/S/PUL NAG/S/PUL NA Barking deer NAG/S/PUL NP Fox 104 ORI/N+S/BHI 105 ORI/S/BAD Jungle cat No Bison (Bos gaurus) Approxima 500 estimate Yes 1968 ORI/S/BAD Wild Dog 8-10 gro numbe around 70 estima during 19 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current 67 Population Cause of decline 11 Degradation of 5 habitat 55 Degradation of 2 habitat Degradation of 12 habitat 141 29 Habitat fragmentation Project Elephant has been taken up in the PA Hunting 6 Hunting None Hunting A management plan is being drawn up 571 Due to degradation of A chain link fence has been installed for boundary the habitat protection ately 0 (as around 3 surrounding the PA ed in Due to degradation of 8-69) the habitat oups ering 402 surrounding the PA (as 7 Hunting ated 9 Hunting 966- 6 Hunting 14 Hunting 78) Very few at Bison contracted Foot No initiative present and Mouth disease in 1984 Very few at Not known No initiative present 27

Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P 106 ORI/S/BAL 87 03 Black buck(Antelope Popula NP cervicapra) In thousa previo 107 ORI/S/CHA YES Yes Python Yes ORI/S/CHA Leopard(Panthera Yes pardus) 108 ORI/S/DEB NP Not availa 109 ORI/S/HAD YES Sambar (Cervus unicolour) Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus). Yes 12

pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Nil ands Current ously Population Cause of decline 15 to 20 (I) Deforestation by the local villagers resulting in migration of animals (ii) Poaching in the past (iii) Scarcity of food and habitat due to deforestation. Due to depletion in Adequate protective measures have been taken to wildlife habitat and prevent poaching and to protect the animals. poaching. 10 6 Due to depletion in Adequate protective measures have been taken to wildlife habitat and prevent poaching and to protect the animals. able poaching. NA Not available Hunting and Strict protection against poaching. shooting in the past. 18 Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequate. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuary. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. 28

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