Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected 92 MAH/S/CHAP MAH/S/CHAP 133.23 Fire(Burning) 1999 4.00 1999 20.44 MAH/S/CHAP Grazing MAH/S/CHAP 1999 30.00 93 MAH/S/DEU Non Timber Forest Produce 1999 0.01 94 MAH/S/GAU collection MAH/S/GAU 1999 9.00 95 MAH/S/GRE Pilgrimage 1999 9.00 2.17 96 MAH/S/GYA 260 Grazing 97 MAH/S/JAI Fire 8496.41 203.56 Fire Every year 1.00 Not known but might affect 341.05 acquatic flora 98 MAH/S/KAL 361.71 GRZ,HAB,NTFP,DAM Every year 51.58 99 MAH/S/KAR 58.95 4.27 Tree felling Every year 55.26 MAH/S/KAR Since establishment of 14.73 100 MAH/S/KAT Tourism the P.A. Since establishment of 152.81 MAH/S/KAT 73.69 Grazing the P.A. 152.81 MAH/S/KAT Since establishment of 152.81 MAH/S/KAT Fire wood Collection the P.A. 152.81 101 MAH/S/MAY Non Timber Forest Produce Since establishment of 102 MAH/S/NAG collection the P.A. MAH/S/NAG MAH/S/NAG Forest fire Since establishment of MAH/S/NAG 5.145 the P.A. Since establishment of 152.81 Tourism the P.A. Since establishment of Fire the P.A. Since establishment of Grazing the P.A. Non Timber Forest Produce collection 49
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 0 Chaudampalli Degradation Unknown 4 Chaudampalli Degradation Unknown 0 Chaudampalli Poor regeneration Unknown 1 Chaudampalli Unknown Unknown 0 All three ranges Degradation Teak Chandan 0 All three ranges Degradation Teak Chandan 0 Buldhana & Khamgaon Grass Degradation of grass species. species Degradation, Poor regenaration & proliferation of hardy species Natural regeneration is affected 8 Akola Natural regeneration is affected All 5 Akola All 6 Akola Population decline & Poor All 3 Akola regeneration All 1 Nagzira(All) Population decline & poor 1 Nagzira(All) regeneration 1 Nagzira(All) 1 Nagzira(All) Population decline and poor regeneration Population decline & Poor regeneration Degradation and poor regeneration Degradation and poor regeneration Degradation and poor gegeneration Degradation and poor regeneration 92
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp 92 MAH/S/CHAP Dhauda MAH/S/CHAP Dhauda MAH/S/CHAP MAH/S/CHAP 93 MAH/S/DEU 94 MAH/S/GAU MAH/S/GAU 95 MAH/S/GRE 96 MAH/S/GYA 97 MAH/S/JAI 98 MAH/S/KAL 99 MAH/S/KAR MAH/S/KAR 100 MAH/S/KAT MAH/S/KAT MAH/S/KAT MAH/S/KAT 101 MAH/S/MAY 102 MAH/S/NAG MAH/S/NAG MAH/S/NAG MAH/S/NAG 49
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 93
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected MAH/S/NAG Felling Since establishment of 152.81 103 MAH/S/NAI the P.A. 29.9 Grazing,NTFP Since long 10.00 104 MAH/S/PAI 324.64 Fire Every year 324.64 105 MAH/S/SAG Every year MAH/S/SAG 10.87 Drought 1984 10.87 MAH/S/SAG Fire(Burning) Every year 10.87 MAH/S/SAG Development projects Every year 10.87 MAH/S/SAG Tourism Every year 10.87 MAH/S/SAG Pilgrimage Every year 10.87 MAH/S/SAG Grazing 10.87 Mines/Quarries Since long 10.87 106 MAH/S/TIP Since long MAH/S/TIP 140.29 Fire(Burning) 177.52 MAH/S/TIP Grazing Tree felling 177.52 107 MAH/S/YAW Few 177.52 Tree felling MAH/S/YAW hectors Fire(Burning) MAH/S/YAW 177.52 Habitation MAH/S/YAW Non Timber Forest Produce 10.00 collection 108 MAH/S/YED 7.00 22.37 Grazing MAH/S/YED Non Timber Forest Produce 109 collection MAN/N/KEI 40 Dam 1983 onwards 26.00 110 MAN/S/YAN 184.4 111 Annual 150.00 Habitation, fire, cultivation, 1995 1.00 MIZ/N/MUR 200 felling, NTFP collection 112 MIZ/N/PHA 50 Landslides 49
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 1 Nagzira(All) Degradation and poor Teak Grass regeneration 0 Beed Degradation& poor All species regeneration All species 4 All Grass regeneration is All species restricted &Teak gets burnt. All species 7 Whole protected area Degradation & Poor All species 7 Whole protected area regeneration All species 7 Whole protected area Degradation All species 7 Whole protected area Degradation Grass sp. 7 Whole protected area Degradation 7 Whole protected area Degradation Sag(Tectona 7 Whole protected area Degradation grandis) Degradation Tipeshwar Degradation Anjan(Hardwi Tipeshwar Degradation cia binata) Tipeshwar Degradation 2 Degradation 2 Poor regeneration w s Population decline Ishing Khoimum Singnang Proliferation of hardy kambong 2 species/weeds (Zizania (Saccharum (Eiranthus Degradation & Poor latifolia) 0 Yedshi regenaration munja) procerus) Degradation & poor 0 Yedshi regeneration 0 Major area of park Poor regeneration, changes in habitat/vegetation/forest types 0 North Khawbung 0 Phawngpui Degradation & Proliferation of Cane Orchids Oaks hardy species/weeds Quercus Negligible impact 94
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp MAH/S/NAG Tou Tingthou (CynoTdho (Phragmites 103 MAH/S/NAI karka) 104 MAH/S/PAI Betula Terminalia Mi 105 MAH/S/SAG MAH/S/SAG MAH/S/SAG MAH/S/SAG MAH/S/SAG MAH/S/SAG MAH/S/SAG 106 MAH/S/TIP MAH/S/TIP MAH/S/TIP 107 MAH/S/YAW MAH/S/YAW MAH/S/YAW MAH/S/YAW 108 MAH/S/YED MAH/S/YED 109 MAN/N/KEI 110 MAN/S/YAN 111 MIZ/N/MUR 112 MIZ/N/PHA 49
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 hoanmdbaaclty(Nloenl)umbo mucifera) icalia Toona 95
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected MIZ/N/PHA Fire Every 3 years (parallel to the jhum1c.y0c0 MIZ/N/PHA NTFP collection Annual 17.00 MIZ/S/DAM 500 Fire 1990 300.00 MIZ/S/KHA 41 Fire Annual 70.00 113 Cultivation (Jhum) Every 5 years (parallel to the jhum0c.y3c5 MIZ/S/KHA 120 Fire 114 MIZ/S/LEN Annual 36.00 Cultivation MIZ/S/LEN Annual 20.00 MIZ/S/LEN Felling MIZ/S/NGE 110 None Annual 5.00 115 MP/N/BAN NTFP collection, collection of Every year 500.00 116 MP/N/PEN 1161.471 Tendu leaves 1990 54.51 MP/N/PEN Dam 292.857 1992 and 1994 Relocation of villages. 117 MP/N/SAT Erosion 1981 400.00 524.37 49
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 c0le)Phawngpui Poor regeneration Quercus Rhododendr Grasses on 0 Phawngpui Poor regeneration Blue vanda Lady's Bamboo Pitcher plant slipper 0 Both ranges Poor regeneration, changes in (Mellocana orchid habitat/Vegetation/Forest types bambusidea) 0 Rawpui & Proliferation of hardy Poor regeneration, changes in Bamboo Calicarpa Shima c5le)Rawpui habitat/Vegetation/Forest types spp. wallichii 0 Ranges not yet demarcated & Proliferation of hardy 0 Ranges not yet demarcated Not known Bamboo Calicarpa Shima 0 Ranges not yet demarcated Not known spp. wallichii 0 Magadhi, Kallawah, Khitauli, Not known Panpatha Lopping and felling of trees. Tendu 1 Karmajhiri and Gumtara. (Diospyres Karmajhiri and Gumtara. melanoxylon) 0 Kamti and Pachmarhi. Change in Teak Garari Saja habitat/vegetation/forest types, (Terminalia proliferation of hardly (Tectona (Clistenthus tomentosa) species/weeds. Proliferation of hardy grandis) collinus) species/weeds. Meadows coming up in areas from where All floral the villages have been species relocated. found in the Degradation and poor PA regeneration. 96
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp MIZ/N/PHA Aporvsa spp Aporvsa spp MIZ/N/PHA MIZ/S/DAM MIZ/S/KHA 113 MIZ/S/KHA 114 MIZ/S/LEN MIZ/S/LEN MIZ/S/LEN MIZ/S/NGE 115 MP/N/BAN 116 MP/N/PEN Koha MP/N/PEN (Terminalia arjuna) 117 MP/N/SAT 49
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 97
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area MP/N/SAT the PA Affected Grazing Every year 30.00 MP/N/SAT Tourism Every year 35.00 MP/N/SAT Pilgrimage Every year 35.00 118 MP/S/GAN Grazing Before formation of 250.00 MP/S/GAN 368.62 100.00 MP/S/GAN sanctuary NTFP collection Before formation of 50.00 119 MP/S/NAR 5.00 Tree felling sanctuary Fire (Burning) Before formation of sanctuary Yearly MP/S/NAR 57.197 Before 24/10/80 1.56 Cultivation MP/S/NAR Habitation 10.00 MP/S/NAR Tree felling Yearly 5.00 49
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 0 Kamti and Pachmarhi. Poor regeneration. All floral 0 Pachmarhi species 0 Pachmarhi Degradation, poor regeneration found in the 0 Gandhi Sagar and Air pollution. PA Degradation, poor regeneration All floral species and water pollution. found in the Species decline in numbers. PA All floral species found in the PA Khair (Acacia 0 Gandhi Sagar Density of forest decline. catechu) Dhawra gum Forest density has decreased Amla 0 Gandhi Sagar (Embalica 0 Andhiyar khon, Chande khon, and species number reduced. officinilis) Forest density adjoining Fuelwood Dherwale'B' villages has decreased. species 6 Scattered in whole PA. Extinction, degradation, poor All floral regeneration, changes in 0 Chainpura, Devgarh habitat/vegetation/forest types, species Gandhigram and surrounding proliferation of hardy villages. species/weeds. found in the Extinction, degradation, poor 0 Ladha khon, Dhawale, PA regeneration, changes in All floral Kharcha khon. species habitat/vegetation/forest types. found in the Extinction, disease, PA All floral degradation, poor species found in the regeneration. PA Extinction, degradation, poor All floral species regeneration, proliferation of found in the PA hardy species/weeds. 98
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp MP/N/SAT MP/N/SAT MP/N/SAT 118 MP/S/GAN MP/S/GAN MP/S/GAN 119 MP/S/NAR MP/S/NAR MP/S/NAR MP/S/NAR 49
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 99
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area MP/S/NAR the PA Affected Tourism Yearly 3.00 MP/S/NAR Grazing Yearly 20.00 120 MP/S/NOR Fire (Burning) Every year 1186.96 MP/S/NOR 1186.961 Every year 1186.96 Grazing MP/S/NOR NTFP collection Every Year 1186.96 MP/S/NOR Others (Biotic pressure) Every day 1186.96 121 MP/S/ORC 44.9 1993 15.54 122 MP/S/SON 209.21 123 50 202.02 Village settlement NAG/N/INT
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 0 Chidi khon, Jamun khon, Degradation and poor All floral Andhiyar khon. species regeneration. found in the 0 In whole PA. Extinction, degradation, poor PA 6 All range of the P.A. regeneration, changes in All floral habitat/vegetation/forest types. species 6 All ranges of the P.A. Poor regeneration and found in the PA 6 All ranges of the P.A. changes in habitat/vegetation All species found in the 6 All ranges of the P.A. /forest types. Poor regeneration and P.A, specially changes in habitat/vegetation herbs and /forest types. grasses. Poor regeneration and All species found in the changes in habitat/vegetation P.A, specially /forest types. Poor regeneration and herbs and changes in habitat/vegetation grasses. All species /forest types. found in the P.A, specially herbs and grasses. All species found in the P.A, specially herbs and grasses. 4 Tourist zone Loss of forest cover Not assessed as yet 00
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp MP/S/NAR MP/S/NAR 120 MP/S/NOR MP/S/NOR MP/S/NOR MP/S/NOR 121 MP/S/ORC 122 MP/S/SON 123 NAG/N/INT 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 01
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected 124 NAG/S/PUL 9.23 Landslide Every year 0.23 NAG/S/PUL Habitation Every year 0.10 NAG/S/PUL Grazing Every year 0.20 NAG/S/PUL NTFP collection Every year 0.50 NAG/S/PUL Tree felling Every year 0.45 125 NAG/S/RAN 4.7 Village settlement 1992 onwards 2.35 126 ORI/N+S/BHI 145 Grazing, OTH (illicit felling) Annual 150.00 127 ORI/S/BAD 304.03 Fire Every year 150.00 Every year 304.03 ORI/S/BAD Grazing Current year 304.03 ORI/S/BAD Drought Every year 304.03 ORI/S/BAD Tree felling (Illicit) Every year ORI/S/BAD NTFP collection 36.00 Fire, Drought, Habitation, Illicit Not known 128 ORI/S/BAI 168.35 felling, Grazing 90.00 Cyclone 129 ORI/S/BAL 35.00 71.72 1999 130 ORI/S/CHA Fire ORI/S/CHA 193.39 Not available Tree felling Not available Habitation ORI/S/CHA Not available 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 3 Towards northern side of the PA Degradation Not assessed 0 Towards Kohima town Degradation Not 0 Towards Kohima town assessed 0 Towards Kohima town Not assessed 5 Towards Kohima town Not assessed Not assessed Ajhar Teak (Lagerstroe Changes in vegetation/forest Sal (Shorea (Tectona mia flos- 5 Eastern portion of the PA types robusta) grandis) regina) Kanika, Rajnagar and ChandbalPi opulation decline, disease, degBraadnait(ioAnv,icpeononriaSreiasglubeman)aera(Xtioynlocarpus granatum) 0 Badarama Extinction, poor regeneration Bandhan Bija Sisoo 0 Badarama Poor regeneration Grasses Shrubs Bahera 3 Badarama Poor regeneration All 3 Badarama Population Decline Bija Sisoo 3 Badarama Poor regeneration Sal seeds Amla Not known Not Known Balukhand and Konark Not known Jhaun Degradation and changes in (Casuarina 0 habitat/Vegetation/Forest equisetifotia) Chandaka,Dompadu and types. Haldia Wildllife Range Population decline and Sal (Shorea Proliferation of hardy robusta) 0 species/weeds All four ranges Population decline and Teak(Tectom grandis) Proliferation of hardy Mai (Lannea 0 species/weeds coromandica) Chandaka,Dimpada,Bhubane swar Wildllife Range Population decline and Kasi(Bridelia retusa) Proliferation of hardy Sidha species/weeds (Lagerstroem ia parviflora) Kanta Bamboo(BambusaArundina 02
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp 124 Gamari Bagjsome(ChikOraw NAG/S/PUL (Gmelina Char seeds Ke arborea) NAG/S/PUL Harida NAG/S/PUL NAG/S/PUL NAG/S/PUL 125 NAG/S/RAN 126 ORI/N+S/BHI 127 ORI/S/BAD ORI/S/BAD ORI/S/BAD ORI/S/BAD ORI/S/BAD 128 ORI/S/BAI 129 ORI/S/BAL 130 ORI/S/CHA ORI/S/CHA Kanta BaOmRboI/oS(/BCaHmAbusaArundinace 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 awstsaiangtab(uDlaillreisn)iaUirniudnica(B) ischofiaBjahvealuric(aT)etrameBleoshuenraifl(oTrear)nnicolia belerica) endu Mahua 03
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area ORI/S/CHA the PA Affected Cyclone 1999 193.00 Fire 131 ORI/S/DEB 346.9 Every year 69.38 ORI/S/DEB Erossion 40.00 Every year 31.83 132 ORI/S/HAD Hadgarh Dam, Salandi Project, 20.00 ORI/S/HAD 191.6 Hadgarh resevoir 1964-72 191.60 ORI/S/HAD Prior to declaration of 15.00 ORI/S/HAD Fire sanctuary ORI/S/HAD Prior to declaration of 4.00 ORI/S/HAD Grazing sanctuary 191.60 1965 133 ORI/S/KAR Habitation/encroachments 1965 116.00 Mines/quarries Way back, prior to first 134 ORI/S/KHA Tree felling working plan ORI/S/KHA 147.66 ORI/S/KHA Fire ORI/S/KHA 116 Every year Tree felling 135 ORI/S/KOT 136 ORI/S/KUL Every year 116.00 NTFP collection Grazing Every year 116.00 Every year Fire, Tree felling, Cultivation Around (Podu cultivation) fringes o villages 399.5 30.75 272.75 Growing of human population, collection of timber, firewood, small timb 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 All four ranges Population decline and Kumbhi Kangra Jamun Proliferation of hardy (Careya (Xylia (Syzygium 0 species/weeds arborea) xylocarpa) cuminii) Kamgaon and Lakhanpur Range On ocular estimation, about 20% area is partially damaged 8 as only the forest floor is Kamgaon and Lakhanpur affected and after rains everything looks green. 0 Range 3 General disturbance Compartment: 5,11,13,15,16 General disturbance 0 Palabani Compartment: General disturbance General disturbance 0 4,5,6,7,11,13,16 General disturbance 0 Compartment: 1,2,6,13,14,15 0 Compartment: 15,16 General disturbance Entire PA 0 Entire PA Population decline, All species 0 Degradation and poor regeneration Population decline, Sal, Degradation, Poor Bamboo, regeneration, Changes in Sisoo, Bija habitat/vegetation/forest type 0 Mahua Sal seeds Hauda Entire PA Population decline, Poor regeneration Grass and 0 shrubs d of s Poor regeneration Belgarh Range Population decline, Sal and lbassouales. Degradation and poor 5 regeneration ber, NTFP forest fire, grazing, cultivNautimonb,epr odaracshtiincga.lly reduced. Piasal (PterocaSrpaul s(SmhaorseuapriouSbmuis)sstoao) (Dalbergia l 04
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp ORI/S/CHA Amba As Nimba (Melica (Mangifera (T azadirachta) indica) tom 131 ORI/S/DEB ORI/S/DEB 132 ORI/S/HAD ORI/S/HAD ORI/S/HAD ORI/S/HAD ORI/S/HAD ORI/S/HAD 133 ORI/S/KAR 134 ORI/S/KHA ORI/S/KHA Baheea Amla Ch ORI/S/KHA Rimili (Protium seTreraatkum(T)ectona g ORI/S/KHA 135 ORI/S/KOT 136 ORI/S/KUL 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 sana Dhawda Chhatina Anla (Emblica Teminalia (Anogeissus (Alstonia officinalis) latifolia) scholaris) mentosa) hor V-endu,Leaf+ fruit,Siyali grandis) 05
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected 137 ORI/S/LAK 138 ORI/S/SATN Habitation, tree felling, shifting ORI/S/SATN cultivation and smuggling of ORI/S/SATN ORI/S/SATN 174.958 timber. ORI/S/SATN 139 ORI/S/SATS 795.52 Fire Every year 100-150 140 ORI/S/SIM Illicit felling Every year 10 141 PUN/S/ABO Grazing Every year 10 142 PUN/S/HAR Habitation Every year PUN/S/HAR NTFP collection Every year PUN/S/HAR 143 RAJ/N/KEO 268.94 Fire, drought, habitation, illicit felliEngv,egryrayzeinagr Not known 144 RAJ/S/BAS 145 RAJ/S/BHA 2200 Cultivation, grazing, collection of timber, firewood, small timber and NT 146 RAJ/S/JAM Cultivation, grazing, fuelwood 186.05 collection and fodder collection RAJ/S/JAM 86 Grazing Annual 50.00 Removal of grasses Annual 50.00 Burning of grasses Annual 5.00 28.73 Drought 2000-2001 138.69 Dam, grazing, NTFP collection, tree felling, tourism, pilgrimages 195.015 Drought, erosion, dam, grazing, cultivation Fire. 300 1998 0.16 Grazing. 120.00 Habitation. RAJ/S/JAM 4.00 Mines. RAJ/S/JAM 4.37 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 All ranges Succession is hampered, degradAatlliosnp,epcoieosr regAefnfecratetidon, changes in habitat typ 0 All ranges Drastic decline population, declinTge, adkeg(TraedcatotinoanS,gapralo(noSdrhirsoe)rgeeanreorPbaoitaiosstnal)(Ptero carpu 0 All ranges Degradation, poor regeneration, Achllabnrogwesainblheasbpiteactietyspes, proliferation of hardy All ranges Degradation All species All ranges Succession hampered All species as this is associated with intentional They are usually found in the sanctuary. Exact area and number of species affec TFP, man made fires, growing humaNnumpobpeur ldartaiosnti.cally reduced. Piasal (PterocaSrpisussooma(DrsaulbpeiurOgmira)chlaidtisfolia) 0 Harike Various 0 Harike grasses 0 Harike Various Keoladeo grasses Jamwa Ramgarh. Various 6 grasses Population decline, changes in hKabhiutast,(Vperotelifveernaetioanziozfiahnaeriddyes)pecies Jamwa Ramgarh. 0 Changes in Lamp habitat/vegetation/forest types, grass(A.Lam Jamwa Ramgarh. Population decline. p). 0 Population decline, Poor Grasses('Gra Jamwa Ramgarh. regeneration, Changes in habitat/vegetation/forest. mneae). Dhok(A.Pen Kheigari(P. 7 Population decline, dula). senera). Degradation, Poor regeneration, Changes in Dhok(Anogei habitat/Vegetation/forest types. sus Population decline, Degradation, Poor pendula). Bamboo(Den regeneration, Change in habitat/Vegetation/Forest drocalamus Khair(.Acaci types. strictus ). a catechu). All species. 06
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp 137 ORI/S/LAK Sissoo (DalbergiKausriussmoo(A)dina co 138 ORI/S/SATN ORI/S/SATN ORI/S/SATN ORI/S/SATN ORI/S/SATN 139 ORI/S/SATS 140 ORI/S/SIM 141 PUN/S/ABO 142 PUN/S/HAR PUN/S/HAR PUN/S/HAR 143 RAJ/N/KEO 144 RAJ/S/BAS 145 RAJ/S/BHA 146 RAJ/S/JAM Babool(Acacia Beri(Zizyphu RAJ/S/JAM nilotica). s numuleria). RAJ/S/JAM Grass(Gramne ae). RAJ/S/JAM 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 ordifolia) 07
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected Cultivation. RAJ/S/JAM 672 Grazing Prior to notification of the sanctua6ry0i0 147 RAJ/S/KELA Felling (lopping) Drought Prior to notification of the sanctua3ry0i0 RAJ/S/KELA RAJ/S/KELA 608.56 1999-2000-2001 Entire area RAJ/S/KUM Fire. 1995 0.00 148 RAJ/S/NAH 52.4 1996 0.07 Fire. RAJ/S/NAH 1999 0.07 Fire. RAJ/S/NAH Encroachment. RAJ/S/NAH Prior to 1980 0.55 149 RAJ/S/PHU 511.41 Fire, grazing, NTFP collection, treeRefeglulinlagt,ehvaebnitastion RAJ/S/PHU RAJ/S/PHU Felling, habitation, cultivation Regular events RAJ/S/PHU 150 RAJ/S/SAJJ Grazing, cultivation Regular events RAJ/S/SAJJ RAJ/S/SAJJ Tree felling Regular events 151 RAJ/S/SIT RAJ/S/SIT 5.19 Development activities 152 RAJ/S/TOD RAJ/S/TOD Grazing RAJ/S/TOD 153 RAJ/S/VAN Tourism 422.94 Dam 1964 10 Habitation 495.27 Drought, tree felling, grazing and ANnTnFuPacl ollection Entire PA Drought, tree felling, grazing and ANnTnFuPacl ollection Entie PA Drought, tree felling, grazing and ANnTnFuPacl ollection Entire PA 25.6 Grazing Since creation of the PA Throughou 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 Jamwa Ramgarh. All species. i0n 1A9ll8ra3n. ges Population decline, i0n 1A9ll8ra3n. ges a All ranges Degradation, Poor regeneration, Changes in habitat/vegetation/forest types. Degradation, poor regeneration, Achllaflnogweesrininghsapbeitcaeti,sproliferation of hardy specie Degradation Dhok (AnogeisDsuhsakpe(Bnudtuela)mKohneojsrip(ePrrmosao)pis sp Degradation, poor regeneration, Achllasnpgeecsieisn habitat, proliferation of hardy specie Nahargarh(Garh ganesh). Poor regeneration, Change in Dhaman(San Laple habitat/vegetation/forest type, carus ciliaris). grasses(Aristi 0 Nahargarh (Kishan Bag.) Population decline. de). 7 Poor regeneration, Change in Dhaman(San Laple Nahargarh (Mylabagh). habitat/vegetation/forest type, carus ciliaris). grasses(Aristi 7 Population decline. de). Nahargarh (Kagdiwada Gurjarghati and cheepiwada). Safeda 5 Poor regeneration, change in leaves Panarwa, Kotra, Mamer habitat/vegetation/forest type, (Eucalyptus Panarwa, Kotra, Mamer population decline. leaves). Panarwa, Kotra, Mamer Panarwa, Kotra, Mamer Dhonk Degradation, Population (Anogeisus Bamboo(De decline, poor regeneration, pendula). change in Khair(Acacia ndrocalamu habitat/vegetation/forest types. catechu) s strictus) Degradation, poor regeneration, Spoapfeudlamtiounslidecline Population decline, degradation,Sphoioshr aremge(Dnaelrbaetirognia latifolia) Population decline, degradation,Bproaohrmrei (gCeennebraetllieonasiatica) Population decline, degradation,Kphoaoir r(eAgceanciearactaiotenchu) 0 Jakham, Badi-Sadari Degradation Teak (TectonaBgaramnbdoiso) (Dendrocalamus strictus All ranges Degradation All ranges All ranges Extinction Karaiya (Sterculia urens) ut tEhnetiPreAPA Degradation, population decline Gugal (Commephora mukul) Degradation, poor regeneration, Tpiomprula(Dtioionspdyercoluinsemelonoxylon) Degradation, poor regeneration Dhok (Anogeissus pendula) 08
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp RAJ/S/JAM Raunj (Accacia leBuacboopohl l(oAecac)acKiau 147 RAJ/S/KELA RAJ/S/KELA RAJ/S/KELA RAJ/S/KUM 148 RAJ/S/NAH RAJ/S/NAH RAJ/S/NAH RAJ/S/NAH All other 149 RAJ/S/PHU species(Grami nae family) RAJ/S/PHU RAJ/S/PHU RAJ/S/PHU 150 RAJ/S/SAJJ RAJ/S/SAJJ RAJ/S/SAJJ 151 RAJ/S/SIT RAJ/S/SIT 152 RAJ/S/TOD RAJ/S/TOD RAJ/S/TOD 153 RAJ/S/VAN 50
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 unnitloati(cAac)acia senegal) 09
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected RAJ/S/VAN 154 Mining Since last 15 to 20 years 5% of the P SIK/N/KHA 1784 Fire SIK/N/KHA Grazing SIK/N/KHA Cultivation SIK/N/KHA Felling Throughout the year SIK/N/KHA 155 SIK/S/BAR Tourism 104 Grazing SIK/S/BAR 156 SIK/S/FAM NTFP collection Throughout the year SIK/S/FAM 51.76 Grazing Customary right Approximat SIK/S/FAM Less than 1 157 NTFP collection(collection of Sirsoo grass) SIK/S/KYON NTFP collection (collection of fuelwood) 31 Grazing 8.00 SIK/S/KYON Habitation SIK/S/KYON Felling Annual 158 SIK/S/MAE 35.34 Grazing Annual SIK/S/MAE NTFP collection 11.00 159 43 Landslide SIK/S/SHIN SIK/S/SHIN Erosion 15.00 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 PAEntire PA Degradation, poor regeneration Dhok (Anogeissus pendula) Dzongri Degradation, Changes in Champ babitat/vegetaion/forest (Michelia Dzongri excelsa) Isoka Okhor Dzongri Poor regeneration, Proliferation (Quercus Dzongri Barsey of hardy species/weeds spp.) Barsey telFya4mbong Lho Changes in Silver fir 1 Fambong Lho Fambong Lho habitat/vegetation/forest types (Abiel densa) 0 Kyongnosla Degradation, Poor regeneration, Population Kyongnosla decline Degradation Kyongnosla Degradation Maenam Maenam Poor regeneration, changes in 0 habitat/forest types Degradation, poor regeneration. 0 Degradation Degradation, poor regeneration. Population decline, degradation, poor regeneration Population decline, degradation, poor regeneration Population decline, degradation, poor regeneration Population decline, degradation, poor regeneration. Degradation, poor regeneration. Population decline, degradation Population decline, degradation, poor regeneration 10
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp RAJ/S/VAN 154 SIK/N/KHA SIK/N/KHA SIK/N/KHA SIK/N/KHA SIK/N/KHA 155 SIK/S/BAR SIK/S/BAR 156 SIK/S/FAM SIK/S/FAM SIK/S/FAM 157 SIK/S/KYON SIK/S/KYON SIK/S/KYON 158 SIK/S/MAE SIK/S/MAE 159 SIK/S/SHIN SIK/S/SHIN 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 11
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected SIK/S/SHIN Grazing Many year 11.00 SIK/S/SHIN NTFP collection 11.00 SIK/S/SHIN Tourism SIK/S/SHIN Development projects (Road) 5.00 160 TN/N/GUI 2.8194 4.00 6.23 161 TN/N/GUL 6.2312 OTH-Fishing 6.23 TN/N/GUL OTH-Collection of corals illegally Not known 0.48 162 TN/N/IND Land development and 0.38 TN/N/IND 958.57 cultivation by tribals TN/N/IND Lemongrass cultivation TN/N/IND Grazing and penning 163 TN/N/MUD Man made fire 164 TN/S/CHI 321 FIR Years 165 TN/S/KAN OTH-Water from tank is used for 166 TN/S/KARI 167 TN/S/POIN 0.4763 irrigation of nearby fields Every year 168 TN/S/UDA 169 TN/S/VAD Water from tank used for Every year 170 TN/S/VALL 1.0421 surrounding paddy fields 171 TN/S/VED 0.6512 Nil 172 TN/S/VELL 25 173 TN/S/VET 0.44 Nil 1.28 Nil 16.4121 Grazing/Cutting of fuel wood 0.27 Nil 0.77185 Nil OTH- Water from tanks used for irrigation fo surrounding paddy 0.37948 fields Every year 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 0 Population decline, Juniper 0 degradation, poor regeneration 0 0 Pollution Pollution 3 Islands, All expect Ramnad 3 Islands, All expect Ramnad Degradation, Population Islands decline All areas surrounding the settlement Degradation, Population decline 8 All trees All Fragmentation & break in All species Wildlife coridor under growth Law and order problem Loss of under cover and depletion of wild genes Loss of micro flora and fauna Degradation, Poor Ground cane regeneration All trees Degradation, Poor regeneration 8 All Poor regenaration All trees Degradation, Poor regeneration 12
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp SIK/S/SHIN SIK/S/SHIN SIK/S/SHIN SIK/S/SHIN 160 TN/N/GUI 161 TN/N/GUL TN/N/GUL 162 TN/N/IND TN/N/IND TN/N/IND TN/N/IND 163 TN/N/MUD 164 TN/S/CHI 165 TN/S/KAN 166 TN/S/KARI 167 TN/S/POIN 168 TN/S/UDA 169 TN/S/VAD 170 TN/S/VALL 171 TN/S/VED 172 TN/S/VELL 173 TN/S/VET 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 13
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected 174 389.59 Landslide Since inception of the PA 389.59 TRI/S/GUM Erosion Since inception of the PA 389.59 Grazing Since inception of the PA TRI/S/GUM Grazing Felling TRI/S/GUM 194.704 NTFP collection Throughout the year 40.00 TRI/S/GUM 28.9421 Fishing and grass collection Annual Entire PA TRI/S/GUM 96 Dam 1957 onwards 175 Grazing 30.00 TRI/S/TRI 176 UP/S/BAK Mining 1957 Outside 177 UP/S/CHA Dam 30 Grazing Outside UP/S/CHA Mining UP/S/CHA 7 UP/S/CHA UP/S/CHA 501 Grazing From the beginning of the6P0A% of the UP/S/CHA 400.09 178 UP/S/KAC 179 UP/S/KAI 80.24 180 UP/S/KAT 181 UP/S/LAK 5.42 Grazing For the last 20 years. 2.4 182 UP/S/MAH 635 Habitation Before notification of the PA. 635 183 UP/S/NAT UP/S/NAT Grazing Before notification of the PA. 635 UP/S/NAT UP/S/NAT Development activities (bridges onBethfoereChnaomtifbicaaltrioivneroaf nthderoPaAd.s runnin 184 UP/S/NAW UP/S/OKH Dam UP/S/OKH UP/S/OKH 2.246 UP/S/OKH 185 UP/S/PAR 4 Dam Before notification of the P3A.5. 186 UP/S/PAT Floods Before notification of the PA. 3.75 Tourism Before notification of the PA. 2.5 Others Before notification of the PA. 1 10.8447 1.05 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 Bamboo(Mel ocama Changes in bambusoides Bahera(Term Avda habitat/vegetation/forest types 9 Tirthmukh ) inalia) (Phylanthus) 9 Tirthmukh Changes in habitat/vegetation/forest types Tirthmukh Proliferation of hardy species/weeds Extinction, Population declining Muli Kailai Extinction, Population declining, Disease Collection of Bamboo canes creates shortage of food for 0 Rajnagar, Abhoya, Rahgamura herbivorous animals. Chandraprabha Extinction Kardhai (Anogeissus pendula) 0 Chandraprabha Population decline Poor regeneration Chandra Prabha Extinction Chandra Prabha Population decline Chandra Prabha Poor regeneration e PAAll ranges Habitat disturbance 4 Lalitpur Poor regeneration, change in habitat 5 Both ranges 5 Both ranges ng Bthortohurgahngthees sanctuary) Both ranges Okhla Bird Sanctuary 5 Okhla Bird Sanctuary 5 Okhla Bird Sanctuary 1 Okhla Bird Sanctuary 14
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp 174 Harr Koroi (Albizzia)Ch (T.chebula) TRI/S/GUM TRI/S/GUM TRI/S/GUM TRI/S/GUM TRI/S/GUM 175 TRI/S/TRI 176 UP/S/BAK 177 UP/S/CHA UP/S/CHA UP/S/CHA UP/S/CHA UP/S/CHA UP/S/CHA 178 UP/S/KAC 179 UP/S/KAI 180 UP/S/KAT 181 UP/S/LAK 182 UP/S/MAH 183 UP/S/NAT UP/S/NAT UP/S/NAT UP/S/NAT 184 UP/S/NAW UP/S/OKH UP/S/OKH UP/S/OKH UP/S/OKH 185 UP/S/PAR 186 UP/S/PAT 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 hamal (ArtocarpTuesackh(aTpeacrtao)na qGraanmdaisr)(Gamelina arborea) 15
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected 187 UP/S/RAN 220.41 Grazing For the last 20 years. 60% of the 188 UP/S/SAMN 5.26 Habitation Before notification of the PA in 19950.2 UP/S/SAMN Grazing Before notification of the PA in 19950.2 UP/S/SAMN Development Project Before notification of the PA in 19950.2 UP/S/SAMN Floods Before notification of the PA in 19950.2 UP/S/SAMN Cultivation Before notification of the PA in 19950.2 189 UP/S/SAMS 7.99 190 UP/S/SAN 2.246 Before notification of the PA. 2 191 UP/S/SOH 428.2 Before notification of the PA. 0.5 192 UP/S/SUH 452.472 Before notification of the PA. 0.5 193 UP/S/SURA 34.329 194 UP/S/SURS 7.13 Grazing UP/S/SURS Pilgrimage UP/S/SURS Tourism 195 UP/S/VIJ 2.62 196 UTT/N/COR 520.824 Kalagarh Dam 1962-74 42.20 197 UTT/N/GAN 2390.024 Tourism Annual 4 Annual 2 UTT/N/GAN Pilgrimage Annual UTT/N/GAN Development activities (roads) Annual 60 UTT/N/GAN Grazing Annual 50 UTT/N/GAN Tree felling Annual UTT/N/GAN Fire Annual 5 UTT/N/GAN NTFP collection Annual Negligible UTT/N/GAN Others (hunting) Annual UTT/N/GAN Others (army camps) Annual 350 UTT/N/GAN Others (Avalanches) Annual 350 198 UTT/N+S/GOV 957.969 Grazing Annual UTT/N+S/GOV NTFP collection Annual 30 UTT/N+S/GOV Tree felling Annual 30 UTT/N+S/GOV Habitation Annual 250 UTT/N+S/GOV Cultivation 2000 50 UTT/N+S/GOV Floods Annual 25 UTT/N+S/GOV Erosion Annual UTT/N+S/GOV Tourism Annual 5 UTT/N+S/GOV Development activities (roads) Annual 34 199 UTT/S/ASK 599.93 Land slides 500 10 10 5 30 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 e PMAaanriekpau. r (currently) and MarkunHdia(bpiatastt)disturbance Anogeissus peGndrauslas species 02. Saman Bird Sanctuary 02. Saman Bird Sanctuary 02. Saman Bird Sanctuary 02. Saman Bird Sanctuary 02. Saman Bird Sanctuary 2 Sur Sarovar Bird Sanctuary 5 Sur Sarovar Bird Sanctuary 5 Sur Sarovar Bird Sanctuary Habitat of prey species has Sisam Khair (Acacia been reduced due to the Sal-Shorea (Dalbergia catechu) 0 Kalagarh and tourist range reservoir robusta sissoo) 4 Gangotri 2 Gangotri Population decline, degradation,BproaohrmreagKeanmeraal, 0 Gangotri 0 Gangotri Population decline, degradation,Ppaodomr raekgsehnae, rKaetiodna.rpat 5 Gangotri Population decline, degradation.All trees, shrubs Gangotri 0 Gangotri Population decline, poor 0 Gangotri 0 Gangotri Deodar, Kail 0 Gangotri 0 All ranges None None 0 All ranges 5 All ranges Extinction, population decline, poAolrl mreegdeincienraaltipolna.nts 5 All ranges 4 All ranges None None 0 All ranges 0 All ranges Population decline, degradation,Tproeoers,reAglpeinneerasthiorunb. s 0 Sankari 5 All ranges Degradation, poor regeneration, changes in habitat types. 0 Askot, Dharchula Degradation, poor regeneration Grasses, Grenia optiva Degradation and poor regeneratiOonaks, grasses Degradation Kail Degradation Degradation, poor regeneration, changes in habitat types. Population decline Chir, Kail Little or no impact. Chir, Kail, Deodar Degradation, others (certain floral species are destroyed) 16
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