Breeding in the PA New Data 1998-03 Reason for captive Numbers Years when Location in PA Steps taken to ensure breeding released in the released that no inbreeding wild takes place NA NA Not known 1 To avoid inbreeding the IIT gate was opened for Dut to decrease in 300 1980-2000 Within the PA area the animals to go freely population in one of Amaravati & from one area to the river only 1970s Chinnar rivers other. Sea Turtle - eggs laid were bred There is constant shifting of elephants among the different camps and so is the case with crocodile in different enclosures captive For a variety of tasks Timber extraction an tourism 84
Table 1.11: Fauna Sno PA code Have animals been bred in captivity Species bred in Years Numbers Breeding Old data- New Data captivity source 1984-87 1998-03 when bred bred 268 TN/S/VELL NP No 269 TN/S/VET NP No 270 TRI/S/GUM NP No 271 TRI/S/TRI NP 272 UP/S/BAK NA NO No 273 UP/S/CHA No 274 UP/S/KAC 275 UP/S/KAI Project for 276 blackbuck and cheetal UP/S/KAT NO breeding is 277 UP/S/LAK NP being 278 UP/S/MAH prepared 279 UP/S/NAT 280 UP/S/NAW No 281 UP/S/OKH No 282 UP/S/PAR 283 UP/S/PAT No 284 UP/S/RAN No 285 UP/S/SAMN No 286 UP/S/SAMS No 287 UP/S/SAN No 288 UP/S/SOH 289 UP/S/SUH No 290 UP/S/SURA No 291 UP/S/SURS No 292 UP/S/VIJ No 293 UTT/N/COR No 294 UTT/N/GAN No 295 UTT/N+S/GOV No 296 UTT/S/ASK No 297 UTT/S/BIN No 298 UTT/S/BINO No No 18
Breeding in the PA New Data 1998-03 Reason for captive Numbers Years when Location in PA Steps taken to ensure breeding released in the released that no inbreeding wild takes place NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 85
Table 1.11: Fauna Sno PA code Have animals been Species bred in Years Numbers Breeding 299 UTT/S/KED bred in captivity captivity source when bred bred Old data- New Data Wild 1984-87 1998-03 YES Yes Musk deer 1982-83 to 42 till date. 300 UTT/S/SON NP No WB/N/GOR YES No 301 Page missing 302 WB/N/NEO No 303 WB/N/SUN 304 WB/S/BAL WB/S/BET NO Yes Chital (Axis axis) Since 1969 Zoo Natural 305 NO No Deer 42-48 nos. 1996-97 06 306 WB/S/BIB 307 WB/S/CHA NO No 308 WB/S/HAL NO No 309 WB/S/LOT NO No 310 WB/S/RAI YES No 311 WB/S/RAM Yes 18
Breeding in the PA New Data 1998-03 Reason for captive Numbers Years when Location in PA Steps taken to ensure breeding released in the released that no inbreeding wild takes place Endangered animal. Dwindling population. 1.The lowest inbreeding Reintroduction into co-efficient animals are the sanctuary. allowed to mate. 2. There is a plan to exchange the animals with Musk Deer research centre, Ranikhet 3. One individual has been captured from the wild and has been introduced in the centre. Introduction of rhinoceros from Kaziranga, Assam. NA As a stock for 72 1991to1998 North Bengal, Spotted deer confind in reintroduction Bankura about 80 hectare area. elsewhere. Breeding is inevitable. Original stock of Chital Due to adequate Protected high were from the Alipur Zoo natural and supplied forest under (Calcutta) and Nandan food, primary and Burdwan range. Kanan Zoo (Orrisa) security in the P.A. Does not arise Not applicable NA Does not arise 86
Table 1.11: Fauna Sno PA code Have animals been Species bred in Years Numbers Breeding WB/S/RAM bred in captivity captivity source when bred bred Old data- New Data Natural 1984-87 1998-03 Deer 48-58 nos. 1997-98 10 WB/S/RAM Deer 38-59 nos. 1998-99 01 Natural 312 WB/S/SEN NP None 18
Breeding in the PA New Data 1998-03 Reason for captive Numbers Years when Location in PA Steps taken to ensure breeding released in the released that no inbreeding wild Protected high takes place Due to adequate forest under natural and supplied Burdwan range. food, primary and security in the P.A. Protected high forest under Due to adequate Burdwan range. natural and supplied food, primary and security in the P.A. 87
Table 1.12: Floral Species of Special Interest in the PA 188
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1 A&N/N/SAD 1984-87 1998-03 Sta Garjan (Dipterocarpus 2 A&N/S/CUT NP Yes castatus) The height of the trees is Incr 3 A&N/S/INT NO hardly 3-4 metres and 4 AP/N/VEN NP BHG is 57 cm or less 5 AP/N/VEN than that at the summit 6 AP/S/GUN Yes Poon (callophy humsoulatri Protects the coast from Dec AP/S/GUN and callophy inophyllum) erosion Unk AP/S/GUN AP/S/GUN Yes Burmese cane Other commercial value AP/S/GUN Yes Cycuss Beddomei Found only in this PA AP/S/GUN 7 AP/S/KAW Yes Pterocorpus Santalines Foreign export, Medicinal Unk AP/S/KAW 8 AP/S/KOL value AP/S/KOL AP/S/KOL NP Yes Oryza sativa (Rice) Wild relative of cultivated stab AP/S/KOL plant AP/S/KOL AP/S/KOL Oryza Granulata (Rice) Wild relative of cultivated stab plant AP/S/KOL Oryza malma puzhalnsis Wild relative of cultivated stab AP/S/KOL (rice) plant Athyrium hohanaclterianum Found only in this PA stab (Fern) Pueraria tuberosa Found only in this PA stab Naravelia zeylancia Found only in this PA stab NO Yes Japsi stercula urens Its gum is extracted by Dec the local villages. Bambool and Teak Being used as MFP and Incr timber NO Yes Phramites karka tin Other commercial value Dec Abutilon Asiaticum, Medicinal value Dec Acalypha Indica Achyranthus Aspera Medicinal value Dec Aerva lanata Medicinal value Dec Azadirachta Indica Medicinal value Dec Boerhavia diffusa, Medicinal value Dec Calotropis Giantea, Cassia occidentalis, Centalla asiatica Coccinia Grandis, Cretiva Medicinal value Dec adamsoni, Croton bonplandianum, Cynodon dactyion Eclipta albe, Datura innoxia, Medicinal value Dec Leotadenia reticulata,Nelumbium sp., Leucas aspera 18
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus Survey reasing Kalara clining Found in the the Personal estimate buffer of the PA known KFRI Tirupati, Chamala and Personal Estimate known Balapalli Tirupati, Chamala, Personal Estimate ble Balapalli GBM Botanical survey ble GBM Botanical survey ble GBM Botanical survey ble GBM Botanical survey ble ble GBM Botanical survey cilining GBM Botanical survey Jammaram, Personal estimate reasing Indampally, Tadlapet, Personal estimate clining Birsaipet clining Personal estimate Eluru Personal estimate clining Eluru clining clining Eluru Personal estimate clining Eluru Personal estimate Eluru Personal estimate Eluru Personal estimate clining Eluru Personal estimate clining Eluru Personal estimate 89
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne AP/S/KOL 1984-87 1998-03 Medicinal value Sta Nymphoea nouchali, Dec AP/S/KOL YES Peroularia daemia, Phyla Medicinal value nodiflora, Phyllanthus Dec AP/S/KOL asperulatus Commercial value 9 AP/S/MAN Not used Incr 10 AP/S/PAK Tephorosea purpurea, Abu Withemia somnifera, Traqia cannabina, Sida acuta Kikkisa Yes Ipomea 11 AP/S/PAP NO Yes Racha, Yerrakara Other commercial value No 12 AP/S/PRA NO Yes Strichnons nuxvomica It is medicinal plant, Dec (Visha musti in Telugu) advised to be used to cure artharitis joint pains. 13 AP/S/SIW NO Yes Strichnous nux vomica Oil obtained from seeds Dec will be used as pain killer, Rheumatoid pains etc 14 ARU/N/MOU NP Yes Taxus baccata Medicinal value Sta ARU/N/MOU Bulbophyllum Sta Rare orchid species. It is a new record for this area. 15 ARU/N/NAM NO Yes Blue Vanda Rare Unk ARU/N/NAM NP Mishmi Teeta Medicinal 16 ARU/S/DER Yes Kydia glabrescena, These plants are Unk Talamna hodgsonii, Dipteris endemic to the north wallichii, Tacca leavis eastern region 17 ARU/S/MEH Yes Coptis Mismi Teeta Medicinal value Dec ARU/S/MEH Dec ARU/S/MEH Taxus Bacata Commercial value Dec Unk 18 ARU/S/YOR Black Ginger Commercial value 19 ASS/N/DIB NP Yes Coptis Teeta (Mishmi teeta) Medicinal value NP Yes Salix tetrosperma Used in the manufacture Sta of sports goods such as hockey sticks and cricket bats 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus Personal estimate clining Eluru clining Eluru Personal estimate reasing undant Eluru Personal estimate Manjira Personal estimate change At present Botanical survey clining is in progress. Medicinal plant survey is also in progress. clining Rampachodavaram, Personal estimate ??? Survey and personal Chennur, Nilwai estimate Mamcherial Personal estimate able Mouling peak Field observation able Ramsing area Orchid station, Jengging. known All the ranges BSI Namdapha Wildlife BSI known Range State Forest Research clining All the ranges Institute, Itanagar clining clining Mehao Wildlife Range Personal estimate known Mehao Wildlife Range Personal estimate able Mehao Wildlife Range Personal estimate North-Western Ranges Personal estimate Guijan and Saikhowa Personal estimate 90
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Sta ASS/N/DIB Aredes Making sports goods ASS/N/DIB NP Yes Multifloram Making sports goods Sta ASS/N/DIB Dendrobium spp. Making sports goods Sta ASS/N/DIB Rinchostylis Making sports goods Sta ASS/N/DIB Folidata articultta Making sports goods Sta ASS/N/DIB Folidata ampricata, Making sports goods Sta Cymbidium spp. Sta 20 ASS/N/KAZ Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia Medicinal value serpentina) Unk ASS/N/KAZ Baska (Adhatoda basica. L) Medicinal value Unk ASS/N/KAZ Gnetum (Gnetum Unk 21 ASS/S/BAR montrnum. L) ASS/S/BAR Teak Yes (Tectona grandis) Other commercial value Declining Gamari Other commercial value Declining (Gmelina arboria) 22 ASS/S/EKAR 23 ASS/S/GAR 24 ASS/S/NAMB NP Yes Bohera, Silikha Food Sta 25 ASS/S/SON ASS/S/SON Bonsum ontenga Used as food and for Sta timber Sta ASS/S/SON Phoebe goalpovensis Sta Used as food and for Sta ASS/S/SON Bola (Morus laevigata) timber Sta Sta ASS/S/SON Titasopa (Michelia Used as food and for champaca) timber ASS/S/SON Nahor (Mesua ferrea) Used as food and for ASS/S/SON Mekahi (Phoefe) timber Used as food and for timber Used by birds for nesting ASS/S/SON Ajar, Urium Used by birds for Sta roosting 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus Detailed surveys in this able Guijan and Saikhowa Personal estimate regard have not been carried able Guijan and Saikhowa Personal estimate out. able Guijan and Saikhowa Personal estimate Information not available able Guijan and Saikhowa Personal estimate Detailed surveys in this able Guijan and Saikhowa Personal estimate regard have not been carried able Guijan and Saikhowa out. known Open tree forests in Personal estimate known all the ranges Personal estimate Fringe areas of forests in all the ranges known All the ranges Personal estimate Personal estimate Personal estimate able Dhekiajuli and Central Personal estimate able range Personal estimate able Personal estimate able Dhekiajuli and Central Personal estimate able range Personal estimate able Personal estimate able Dhekiajuli and Central Personal estimate able range Personal estimate 91 Dhekiajuli and central range Dhekiajuli and Central range Dhekiajuli and Central range Dhekiajuli and Central range Dhekiajuli and Central range
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne ASS/S/SON 1984-87 1998-03 Sta ASS/S/SON Bhelan Used by birds for nesting Sta 26 BIH/S/RAJ 27 CHD/S/SUK Cane, Bamboo Food Sta CHD/S/SUK Yes Hibiscus inicranthis Medicinal Sta 28 CHT/N/KAN Yes Khair (Acacia Catechu) Other commercial value Dec 29 CHT/S/TAM CHT/S/TAM Shishaun (Dalbergia sissoo) Other commercial value Sta CHT/S/TAM CHT/S/TAM YES Yes Albizia ordoratissima (locally Localised distribution Sta CHT/S/TAM called \"Kiding\" in Hindi) CHT/S/TAM Yes Madhuca indica Commercial Value Incr 30 DEL/S/ASO Helicterea isora Medicinal Value Sta DEL/S/ASO DEL/S/ASO Embelia Medicinal value Sta 31 GOA/S/BON Andrographis paniculata Medicinal value Dec 32 GOA/S/CHO 33 GUJ/S/WIL Asparagus rocemosus Medicinal value Dec 34 HAR/N/SUL Cissampelos pareirameni Medicinal value Sta HAR/N/SUL HAR/N/SUL NP Yes Dhonk (Anogeissus Cultural importance and Sta HAR/N/SUL NP pendula) natural vegetation of Aravalli range Sta 35 HAR/S/BHIN Yes Butea monosperna Sta 36 HAR/S/BIRB NP Yes Cultural importance and Dec Acacia senegal natural vegetation. Sta Yes Dalbergia latifolia Cultural importance and Sonneratia casiolaris natural vegetation. There are many grasses and other plants that are Other commercial value found only in the Rann of Found rarely Kutch. Found only in the Rann Sarkanda of Kutch Acacia nilotica YES Yes Albizzia lebbek Breeding Azadirachta indica Breeding NP Yes Kikar Breeding Dec NP Yes Eucalyptus Medicinal value For breeding For pulp wood and other commercial value 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus able Dhekiajuli and Central Personal estimate range able Personal estimate Dhekiajuli and Central able range Personal estimate cline Personal estimate able Rajgir Personal estimate Kandal and Nepli Kandal and Nepli able Kotamsar Survey/Research reasing Game Range Tamor Personal Estimate able Pingla Personal Estimate able Personal Estimate clining Game Range Tamor Personal Estimate clining Pingla Personal Estimate able Personal Estimate able Game Range Tamor Personal estimate Pingla Game Range Tamor Pingla Game Range Tamor Pingla Game Range Tamor Pingla Asola able Asola Personal estimate able Asola Personal estimate clining Ponda, Valpoi, Collem Personal estimate able Campal Personal estimate cline Bir Bara Ban Jind Personal Estimate 92
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Other commercial value Sta HAR/S/BIRB Medicinal value Dec HAR/S/BIRB NP Kikar Other commercial value Dec HAR/S/BIRB NP Neem Dec 37 HAR/S/BIRS Shisham For breeding NP Yes Eucalyptus, Ber, Khair, For Protection & Shelter Dec 38 HAR/S/KAL NP Amaltas and Teak Medicinal value ban NO NTF 39 HAR/S/KHA Yes Sal, Shain, Amla, Khair, stat 40 HAR/S/NAH juenda, Jamun, Papri, Beri, 41 HP/S/GAM Rami, Safeda and Teak Yes Kikar Yes Kikar Yes Saalam Panja HP/S/GAM NO Taxus Baccata Medicinal Value Dec ban NTF stat 42 HP/S/KUG Yes Karu Medicinal value Sta HP/S/KUG Patish Sta HP/S/KUG Mushkbala Medicinal value Sta HP/S/KUG Saalam Panja Sta HP/S/KUG Saalam Mishri Medicinal value stab HP/S/KUG Dhup Medicinal value Sta Sta 43 HP/S/NAR Yes Deodar Medicinal value Sta 44 HP/S/SHI Yes Deodar Other commercial value(incensc) Sta 45 HP/S/TUN NO Yes Karu It is a very valuable Sta HP/S/TUN Dhup timber for building Sta HP/S/TUN Mushkbala construction It is a very valuable timber for building construction Medicinal value Other commercial value(incensc) Medicinal value 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus Personal Estimate cline Bir Bara Ban Jind Personal Estimate cline Bir Bara Ban Jind Personal Estimate cline Bir Bara Ban Jind Personal Estimate Pinjore clining but due to Bhandal Personal estimate n in grazing and FP collection, the tus might improved. clining but due to Bhandal Personal estimate n in grazing and FP collection, the tus might improved. able Ridge tops/ Alpine Personal estimate areas able Ridge tops/ Alpine Personal estimate Areas able Forest Areas Personal estimate able Rocky cliffs at high Personal estimate altitudes ble Rocky cliffs at high Personal Estimate altitudes able Alpine Pastures Personal estimate able Wildlife range Barot PA authorities able Wildlife Range Karsog Personal estimate able Ridge tops/alpine Personal estimate areas able Ridge tops/alpine Personal estimate areas able Forest areas Personal estimate 93
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne HP/S/TUN 1984-87 1998-03 Medicinal value Sta Patish Sta HP/S/TUN Saalam Panja Medicinal value Sta HP/S/TUN YES Yes Saalam Mishri Medicinal value Sta 46 J&K/N/HEM Yes Salix spp.(willow) Commercial value Sta 47 J&K/N/HEM Yes Populus spp. (Poplars) Commercial value Sta 48 J&K/N/KIS Pinus roxburghii Yes Chilgoza( Pinus gerardiana) Only found in Kishtwar Com J&K/N/KIS national park area. Caragana pignum (Tama) Soil binding legume Not 49 J&K/S/CHA Tender stems and Myricaria spp. leaves are used as Not J&K/S/CHA Yes Ephedra spp (Tsepath) fodder. Sta 50 J&K/S/KAR Yes Phicea chiliana (Langtang) Medicinal value Sta Kins (Dioscorea deltoidea) Medicinal value Dec J&K/S/KAR Tuber used as medicine 51 J&K/S/OVE Anteda Scandelensis for rheumatic and Unk Woodfordia - Fruiticosa ophthalmic problems Unk 52 KAR/N/ANS NP Yes KAR/N/ANS Medicinal value 53 KAR/N/BANN Yes Found in abandoned in Sta Santalum album specific area, valuable wood. KAR/N/BANN Anaigeissus latifolia Found in abandoned in Sta specific area, coppice regenerating Found in abandoned in specific area, elephant KAR/N/BANN Dendrocalamus strictus fodder Sta 54 KAR/N/KUD NP Yes Balgi - Poeciloneuron Found only at Bagavathi Sta indicum Valley 55 KAR/S/BIL Yes Michaelia champaca Worship Sta 56 KAR/S/DAN Yes Karimuttal-Ougeinia Commercial value Dec dalbergiodes KAR/S/DAN Dhataki-Woodfordia- Medicinal value Unk Fruiticosa KAR/S/DAN Antada scandelensis Unk 57 KAR/S/GUD NP Yes Acacia and Fruit yelding Sta seedlings 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus Personal estimate Personal estimate able Rocky cliffs at high Personal estimate altitudes Personal estimate able Rocky cliffs at high Personal estimate altitudes able Alpine pastures Personal estimate able Throughout the PA able Throughout the PA mmon Sirchi t known Both ranges t known Both ranges Personal estimate able Nubra Personal estimate able Nubra Personal estimate clining Lidder Personal estimate known Wildlife Range Anashi known Wildlife Range Kumbarwada able Bannerghatta S.F. Personal estimate able Kalkore S.F. Personal estimate able Bannarghatta S.F. Personal estimate able Kudremukh and Personal estimate able Sringeri Ranges creasing Old working plans known All ranges Personal estimate known Wildlife Range Kulgi able WLR Kulgi & Personal estimate Kumbarwada Personal estimate Personal estimate Wildlife Range Kumbarwada Gudavi Bird Sanctuary 94
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 58 KAR/S/MEL 1984-87 1998-03 Sta NO Yes Cycus circinalis Rare species - The only Sta gymnosperm to be found in the dry Scrub Forest 59 KAR/S/SHA NO Yes Accacia (Plantation) Found only in this PA Sta 60 KER/N/ERA YES Yes Brachycorythis wightii Cultural importance Incr Yes Phlebophyllum kunthianum Incr KER/N/ERA (Neelakurinji) Found only in this PA. Yes Karanjili (Dipterocarpus Found only in this PA. Incr 61 KER/S/ARA bourdillonii) Found only in this PA Incr KER/S/ARA Nanku (Mesua ferrea) Other commercial value, Incr KER/S/ARA Pali (Palquium ellipticum) Medicinal value, Cultural Sta Sandal importance 62 KER/S/CHIN Medicinal value Sta Khanduchaka Wildlife Significance 63 MAH/N/AND NP Yes Teak Wildlife Significance Sta 66 MAH/N/SAN NP Yes Khair Wildlife Significance Dec Aasana Wildlife Significance Incr MAH/N/SAN NP Yes Rudraksha Rare timber species Sta MAH/N/SAN NP Yes Dalbergia latifolia Medicinal(root) Unk MAH/N/SAN Yes Safed Musali Commercial value 67 MAH/S/AMB NP Yes Murraya koenigii Commercial value Unk 68 MAH/S/ANE GarCinia indica Wild variety found in this Yes Jungli Bhendi(Urena lobata) PA Unk 69 MAH/S/CHAN Yes Wild variety found in this MAH/S/CHAN Yes Junglee Teel(Sesamum PA Dec oriental) Wild variety found in this Incr 70 MAH/S/CHAP Yes Jungli Hadi(Curcuma PA Sta species) Medicinal MAH/S/CHAP Safed Musali Sta Anjan(Hardwickia Binata) Commercial & Medicinal MAH/S/CHAP Hirda value Sta Commercial & Medicinal 71 MAH/S/GAU NP Beheda value Unk 72 MAH/S/GYA Medicinal & Commercial 73 MAH/S/KAL Vavding value These are found as root MAH/S/KAL Alectra parasitica parasite plants on Vitex negundo & these have MAH/S/KAL been recorded for the first time in India. 74 MAH/S/KAT NP 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus able Naryanadurga Scurb Personal estimate Forest(SF) & Mudibetta SF able Kargal, Kogar Personal estimate reasing Throughout the PA Research reasing Throughout the PA Research reasing Aralam Research reasing Aralam Research reasing Aralam Research able Chinnar Personal estimate able Tadoba Personal estimate able Sonala Personal estimate clining Aner dam Personal estimate reasing able South western part Personal estimate known Western part Personal estimate Chaudampalli Survey known Chaudampalli Survey known Chaudampalli Survey clining reasing Nagad,Kannad PA able Khamgaon Buldhana Both PA,Survey able Both PA,Survey able Both PA,Survey known Akola Research. 95
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne MAH/S/KAT 1984-87 1998-03 Sta These are found as root Unk 75 MAH/S/SAG Alectra thonsonil parasite on plants of 76 MAH/S/WAN Vitex negundo & these Incr 77 MAN/N/KEI NP Yes Santalum album(Chandan) have been recorded for the first time in India. 78 MAN/S/YAN MAN/S/YAN Naturally found 79 MEG/N/BAL NP Yes Safed Musali High medicinal value Dec MEG/N/BAL YES Yes Ishing Kambong (Zizania Favourite food of Bel MEG/N/BAL latifolia) Sangai, found only in dec Yes this P.A. 80 MEG/N/NOK NP Yes Tectona grandis Dec Dipterocarpus spp. Commercial value Dec 81 MEG/S/BAG Pitcher plant, Sun dew Commercial value Sta MEG/S/BAG plant Insectivorous plant Agar 82 MEG/S/SIJ NP Yes Commercial value (Used Sta MEG/S/SIJ NP Yes Ladies slipper orchid in the perfume industry) Sta MEG/S/SIJ (Paphiopedelum species) Unk Yes Citrus indica Commercial value 83 MIZ/N/MUR because of its rarity Sta 84 MIZ/N/PHA Pitcher plant Sta 85 MIZ/S/DAM Agar Citrus indica is the most Sta 86 MIZ/S/LEN primitive and perhaps 87 MP/N/SAN Pitcher plant, Sun dew the progenitor of plant cultivated citrus plants MP/N/SAN Agar Insectivorous plants Ladies slipper orchid Commercial value (Used in the perfume industry) Lady's Slipper Rhododendron Insectivorous plants NP Yes Commercial value (Used Sta NP Yes in the perfume industry) Sta Commercial value because of its rarity Unk Sta Other commercial value Found only in this PA NO Yes Blue Vanda Orchid Endangered + Sta NP Yes Lady's Slipper Commercial Value Unk Other commercial value Yes kali musali (Curculigo Medicinal value. Dec orchisdes) Medicinal value. Dec Chansraj (Adiantum lenulatum) 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus Research known Akola reasing In the whole protected Personal estimate cline area. lieved to be Personal estimate clining Wan and Somthana Personal estimate Phumdi area (floating clining biomass) clining able Along foot hills. Survey able Along foot hills. Survey able All the ranges Research and Personal known Estimate All the ranges Research and personal able estimate able Siju range Personal estimate able able In both the ranges Survey by National Bureau of able Plant Genetic Resources, known Shillong able able Baghmara Personal Estimate known Personal Estimate clining Siju Wildlife Range clining Siju Wildlife Range Research and Personal Siju Wildlife Range Estimate North Khawbung Research and personal Phawngpui estimate Phuldungsei Research and personal Ranges not yet estimate demarcated Personal estimate Dubari, Bastua Survey and personal Dubari, Bastua estimate Research by forest department Personal estimate Personal estimate Personal estimate 96
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Sta MP/N/SAN YES Yes Keli kand (Costos speciosus) Medicinal value. Dec 88 MP/N/SAT NP Yes Psilotum MP/N/SAT Cyathea gignater Found only in this PA. Dec MP/N/SAT Yes Cyathea spimlasa Found only in this PA. Dec MP/N/SAT Lycopodium Found only in this PA. Dec MP/N/SAT Drosera burmanii Found only in this PA. Dec Dhawara Found only in this PA. Dec 89 MP/S/GAN Soya Other commercial value. Dec MP/S/GAN Kullar Other commercial value. Unk MP/S/GAN Khair Other commercial value. Unk MP/S/GAN Amla Found only in the PA. Dec MP/S/GAN Bahera Medicinal Value. Sta MP/S/GAN Bel (Aegle marmelos) Medicinal Value. Sta Commercial value. Dec 90 MP/S/NOR MP/S/NOR Casearia graveolens-Gilchi Commercial value. Sta MP/S/NOR Amla (Emblica officinalis) Commercial value. Dec MP/S/NOR Koha (Terminalia arjuna) Medicinal value. Sta 91 MP/S/SAN Yes Safed musali (Chlorophytum Medicinal value. Dec arundinaleam) 92 NAG/S/PUL NP Yes Rhododendron Cultural importance Sta NAG/S/PUL NP Yes Ghinseng Medicinal value Dec Yes 93 ORI/N+S/BHI Sundari (Heritiera fomes) Found only in this PA ORI/N+S/BHI Heritiera littoralis apart from Sunderbans Sta Sal 94 ORI/S/BAD NP Mahul Other commercial value Incr ORI/S/BAD Wild relative of cultivated Incr Kendu plant having commercial ORI/S/BAD value Incr Diospyros melanoxylon 95 ORI/S/BAI YES Yes Wild relative of cultivated Dec plant having commercial value Fruit for wild animals 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus clining Dubari, Bastua Personal estimate clining Pachmarhi Personal estimate clining clining Pachmarhi Personal estimate clining clining Pachmarhi Personal estimate clining known Pachmarhi Personal estimate known clining Pachmarhi Personal estimate able able Gandhisagar Personal estimate clining Gandhisagar Survey Gandhisagar Survey Gandhisagar Personal Estimate Gandhisagar Survey Gandhisagar Survey Mohli, Sarra, Noradehi, Survey and Personal Jhapan, Singpur. estimate. able Mohli, Sarra, Noradehi, Survey and Personal Jhapan, Singpur. estimate. clining Mohli, Sarra, Noradehi, Survey and Personal Jhapan, Singpur. estimate. able Mohli, Sarra, Noradehi, Survey and Personal Jhapan, Singpur. estimate. clining Dubari, Bastua Personal estimate able High altitude areas Personal estimate clining Moderate altitude Personal estimate areas able Kanika, Rajnagar, Personal estimate reasing Chandbali Personal estimate reasing Personal estimate Badarama Badarama reasing Badarama Personal estimate clining Banigucha Wildlife Personal estimate Range 97
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Sta ORI/S/BAI Terminalia chebula ORI/S/BAI NP Yes Terminalia bellerica Fruit for wild animals Sta ORI/S/BAI Emblica officinalis Fruit for wild animals Sta 96 ORI/S/BAL Bhuja patta Fruit for wild animals Sta Medicinal and cultural Unk 97 ORI/S/HAD YES Yes Ashoka(Saraca indica), importance Dec Nageswar( Mesule ferna), 98 ORI/S/KUL Yes Campak(Michelia Rare species, grows in Incr ORI/S/KUL champaca) moist sites, sign of post NP Yes climax in dry deciduous 99 ORI/S/LAK Yes Tree ferns forest Orchid flora 100 ORI/S/SATN Sal(Shorea robusta) Rare and endemic Rare and endemic ORI/S/SATN Hinjal (Barintonia Commercial value ORI/S/SATN auotangula) Medicinal value Sta ORI/S/SATN Kochila (Strychnos ORI/S/SATN noxvomia) Medicinal value Sta Sissoo (Dalbergia latifolia) ORI/S/SATN Other commercial value Dec 101 ORI/S/SATS Patal garuda (Roulfia serpentia) Medicinal value Dec ORI/S/SATS Gila (Enteda phoseloides) ORI/S/SATS Other commercial value Dec ORI/S/SATS Mirigachara (Grewia ORI/S/SATS Yes elastica) Medicinal value Dec Mango Fruit of wild animals Sta ORI/S/SATS Terminalia chebula Fruit of wild animals Sta 102 ORI/S/SIM Tectona belerica Fruit of wild animals Sta Emblica officinalis Fruit of wild animals Sta ORI/S/SIM Diospyrus melanosylam Fruit of wild animals Sta ORI/S/SIM ORI/S/SIM Anogeinus acuminata Naturally regenerate in Pro 103 PUN/S/HAR Yes Tree ferns riverine area and used PUN/S/HAR as religious significance PUN/S/HAR Orchid flora Rare and endemic PUN/S/HAR Wild paddy Rare and endemic PUN/S/HAR Aquatic grass Rare and endemic PUN/S/HAR Yes Elephant grass Rare and endemic Lemon grass Fodder and Thaching Hydrilla Medicinal Spyrogyra (Green Algae) Food Spirullina (Blue Algae) Medicinal Pamelia pabelata (Lichen) Medicinal Medicinal 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus able Balukhand Personal able able known clining Boula Reserve Forest, Reported by Forester, Jumoposi area Hadgarh reasing Chandragiri Personal estimate able Along river Mahanadi Survey able Along river Mahanadi Survey clining All block Personal estimate clining clining Raigoda Personal estimate Purunakote Personal estimate clining able Katranga Personal estimate able Chamundia, Kusanga Personal estimate able Chamundia, Kusanga Personal estimate able Chamundia, Kusanga Personal estimate able Chamundia, Kusanga Personal estimate Chamundia, Kusanga Personal estimate ofuse regeneration Chamundia, Kusanga Personal estimate 98
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Sta 104 RAJ/N/KEO Yes Climax species of this flood plain. Grasses of Dec RAJ/N/KEO Kadamb (Mitragyana Kadamb are now left in 105 RAJ/S/BHA periviflora) this park only. Dec Root gives famous khus Dec RAJ/S/BHA Khus (Vetivaria zizianoides) perfume; many other Sta 106 RAJ/S/JAI Yes Amla (Emblica officianalis) uses also. Dec Medicinal Dec RAJ/S/JAI Bahera (Termenalia belerica) Medicinal RAJ/S/JAI Yes Gangchee Medicinal 107 RAJ/S/JAM Gugal (commipheramukuri) Medicinal , worship RAJ/S/JAM YES Yes Megad (vitex negunder) Medicinal stab RAJ/S/JAM Neem(Azadirachta indica). Medicinal value. Dec RAJ/S/JAM Yes Ber(Ficus bengalensis). Cultural importance. Dec RAJ/S/JAM Pipal(Ficus relegiosa). Cultural importance. Dec RAJ/S/JAM YES Yes Khair (Acacia catechu). Commercial value. Dec Kadayas (Sterculia urens). Medicinal value. Dec 108 RAJ/S/KELA Yes Bajardanti (Barlaria Medicinal value. Dec RAJ/S/KELA prionitis). Medicinal Dec 109 RAJ/S/NAH Googal (Commiphera Medicinal Dec wightii) Cultural and religious Dec RAJ/S/NAH Karaya (Sterculia ursus) importance. Bud(Ficus bengalensis). Cultural and religious Dec RAJ/S/NAH importance. RAJ/S/NAH Peepal (Ficus reliogisa). Commercial value. Dec Medicinal value. Dec 110 RAJ/S/PHUl Khair (Acacia catechu). Neem (Azadirachta indica). Medicinal value Dec RAJ/S/PHUl Safed musli (Chlrophytum borivillanum) RAJ/S/PHUl Brahmi (Centrella asiatica ) Medicinal value Dec 111 RAJ/S/SIT Baus (Dendrocalamus RAJ/S/SIT 112 RAJ/S/TOD strictus) Found in abundance Dec Yes Medicinal value and Chironji (Bucknenia lanzan) other commercial value Sta Medicinal value and Vanda (Vanda corrulea) other commercial value Sta Yes Gaugchee Medicinal Dec 19
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus clining Keoladeo Survey clining Keoladeo Survey clining Bhainsroadgarh Personal estimate able Bhainsroadgarh Personal estimate cline Jojawar Bonsar Personal cline Bijajika guda, Jojawar, Personal estimate Raoli ble Personal estimate clining. Raoli Personal estimate. clining. Jamwa Ramgarh. Personal estimate. clining. Jamwa Ramgarh. Personal estimate. clining. Jamwa Ramgarh. Personal estimate. clining. Jamwa Ramgarh. Personal estimate. clining. Jamwa Ramgarh. Personal estimate. Jamwa Ramgarh. clining clining Karanpur Personal estimate clining. All ranges Personal estimate Nahargarh. Personal estimate. clining. Nahargarh. Personal estimate. clining. clining. Nahargarh. Personal estimate. Nahargarh. Personal estimate. clining Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer Personal estmate clining Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer Personal estimate clining Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer Personal estimate able All ranges Personal estimate able clining Jhakam Personal estimate Jojawar, Bonsor Personal estimate 99
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Sta Medicinal value, used as RAJ/S/TOD Gugal (Commiphera mukur) incense during worship Dec RAJ/S/TOD Negad (Vitex negundur) Medicinal value Sta 113 RAJ/S/VAN 114 SIK/N/KHA YES No Rubarb Roots used for medicinal Dec NP Yes purposes SIK/N/KHA NP Druping Juniper Sta SIK/N/KHA Yes Rhododendron Anthopo Used in incense Dec SIK/N/KHA NP Yes Kutki Used in incense Dec 115 SIK/S/KYON Medicinal plants Roots used as medicine Unk 116 SIK/S/SHIN Yes Pinguicnla Medicinal value Dec Found only in this PA SIK/S/SHIN Rhododendron nevium State tree (only found in Dec SIK/S/SHIN R. ciliastum this sanctuary) 117 TN/N/GUI Atulantia monophylla Dec Ficus bengalensis Found only in this PA Incr TN/N/GUI Cycus Incr TN/N/GUI Pemphis acidula Attracts birds Sta TN/N/GUL Bulbul, coppersmith Sta Slow growth Endemic 118 TN/N/MUD NP Yes Bonbedagou (moist dec- Malabargaint squirrel & Sta NP TN/N/MUD indicate) tribals stable food TN/N/MUD NP 119 TN/N/MUK Turmaric Med TN/N/MUK TN/N/MUK Ginger Med 120 TN/S/PUL 121 TN/S/VED Yes Orchids found only in the P.A. Sta TN/S/VED 123 TN/S/VET Vanda Globalossa Yes Avecenia aviaialis risofora Yes Atalancia monophila Energreen species Sta Buchenania Energreen species Sta Yes Babul Birds are seen to use Dec Babul trees extensively (Su for nesting ignoring other plan trees FD) 124 TRI/S/GUM NP Yes Ficus spp. As food sources for Sta avifauna, primates and other wildlife TRI/S/GUM Albizzia, Bamboo spp. Abu 125 TRI/S/TRI Yes Diptenocurpturoiretus Abu TRI/S/TRI A.Chuplaea 20
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus No study has been carried clining Bijaji ka Guda, Personal estimate out in the PA. able Jojawar, Raoli Personal estimate Raoli clining Yuksom, Dzongri Research / Survey able clining Lalhen, Clungthang Research / Survey clining Lalhen, Clungthang Research / Survey known Lalhan, Clungthang clining Kyongnosla Personal estimate Chumadu area in the Personal estimate clining PA Personal estimate clining Shingba reasing reasing Guindy National Park Survey able Guindy National Park Survey able Guindy National Park Survey In almost all islands of PE able all ranges except Ramnad Research Nel,Mud,Tep,Kar able 1 Research able Vettangudi Census able Tirthmukh Census clining PE upplementary gap nting taken up by Research by Dr. A.K.Gupta, ) IFS able undant Rajnagar & Abhoya Personal estimate undant Rajnagar & Abhoya Personal estimate 00
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Sta TRI/S/TRI T.Belerica TRI/S/TRI Shorea robusta Abu Abu TRI/S/TRI Sterculia villosa Cultural importance Abu TRI/S/TRI Duabanga gradiflora Abu Yes 126 UP/S/KAC Ficus religiosa Sta UP/S/KAC Ficus bengalensis Cultural importance Sta Yes Tendu (Diospyras Used in making bidis Sta 127 UP/S/KAI UP/S/KAI tomentosa) UP/S/KAI Amla (Emblica officinales) Medicinal value Sta UP/S/KAI UP/S/KAI Harra (Terminalia chebula) Midicinal value stab 128 UP/S/NAT Bahera (Termenalia Medicinal Value Sta belerica) Bel (Aegle marmelis) Medicinal value Sta Yes Kareel Medicinal value Dec UP/S/NAT Van karela Medicinal value Dec UP/S/NAT Van tulsi Medicinal value Dec UP/S/NAT Guggal Medicinal value Dec Yes Sta 129 UP/S/PAT 1. Religious significance Khajan for Muslims 2. Food for 130 UP/S/SAMN Yes birds. 131 UTT/N/GAN Butea monosperma Medicinal value Dec UTT/N/GAN Yes Utish Medicinal value Not UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN Gugal Medicinal value Not UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN Salam Mishri, Salam Panja Medicinal value Not UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN Patar Loung Medicinal value Not UTT/N/GAN 132 UTT/N+S/GOV Kutki Medicinal value Not UTT/N+S/GOV Jatamansi Medicinal value Not UTT/N+S/GOV Brahma Kamal Cultural importance Not Ban Tulsi Cultural importance Not Vajradanti Medicinal value Not Yes Deodar Other commercial value Sta Medicinal value and use Pangar by wildlife Sta All oak species Cultural importance and other commercial value Sta 20
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus undant Rajnagar & Abhoya Personal estimate undant Rajnagar, Abhoya & Personal estimate Rangamura undant Personal estimate undant All over the sanctuary Personal estimate All over the sanctuary able Personal estimate. Kachhua wildlife able sanctuary Personal estimate. Kachhua wildlife sanctuary able All ranges Personal estimate able All range Personal estimate ble All range Personal estimate able All ranges Personal estimate able All ranges Personal estimate clining Both ranges clining Both ranges Research and personal clining Both ranges estimate clining Both ranges Research and personal estimate Research and personal estimate Research and personal estimate able Patna bird sanctuary Survey clining Saman Bird Sanctuary Personal estimate t Known Gangotri Personal estimate t known Gangotri Personal estimate t known Gangotri Personal estimate t known Gangotri Personal estimate t known Gangotri Personal estimate t known Gangotri Personal estimate t known Gangotri Personal estimate t known Gangotri Personal estimate t known Gangotri Personal estimate able All ranges Personal estimate able All ranges Personal estimate able All ranges Personal estimate 01
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Sta UTT/N+S/GOV Medicinal value UTT/N+S/GOV NP Atish Medicinal value Dec UTT/N+S/GOV Salam panja Medicinal value Dec Taxus baccata Found only in this PA, Dec 133 UTT/S/ASK Yes others Sta UTT/S/ASK Bhoj patra (Bitula utilis) Oth- Pristine groves Pin UTT/S/ASK Atis (Aconitum provide shelter to be e heterophylum) animals, help in storing fore UTT/S/ASK water. Binsar is the only of O 134 UTT/S/BIN Tejpat (Cinnamomum areas with such a high dec tamala) percentage of oak forests in Kumaon Satawar (Asparagus curyillus) Yes Oak 135 UTT/S/BINO YES Yes Petentilla fulgens Medicinal value Sta UTT/S/BINO Yes Centella asiatica Medicinal value UTT/S/BINO Ficus scandens Medicinal value Taxus baccata Medicinal value 136 UTT/S/KED Yes Bhabar grass (Eulaliopsis 137 UTT/S/SON binata) To make Ban rope Incr 138 WB/N/NEO Yes WB/N/NEO WB/N/NEO Taxus wallichiana Medicinal value, endemic Not Balanophora neonensis New species discovered Not Balanophora polyandra in Neora valley national park Endemic WB/N/NEO Aristolochia griffithii Endemic Not WB/N/NEO Aristolochia saccata Medicinal Not WB/N/NEO Antemisia vulgaris Medicinal Not WB/N/NEO Ranwolfia serpentine Medicinal Sta WB/N/NEO Swentia chirata Medicinal Sta 20
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus Personal estimate clining All ranges Personal estimate clining All ranges Personal estimate clining Sankari, Supin Working plan able ne forest is said to Binsar Personal estimate eating into the Oak est and the number Oak trees are creasing. able Okhimath & Working plan. Gopeshwer Personal estimate reasing t known/stable Along stable riverine flats, along Sonanadi river Upper Neora Field observation Under negative list of experts t known Upper Neora Research Field observation t known Upper Neora and Field observation t known Lower Neora Field observation t known Upper Neora and Field observation able Lower Neora Field observation able Upper Neora and Field observation Lower Neora Upper Neora and Lower Neora Upper Neora and Lower Neora 02
Table 1.12: Floral Species o Sno PA code Old data New data Species Significance Ne 1984-87 1998-03 Sta 139 WB/S/CHA Yes Kurchi (Holarrhena WB/S/CHA NP antidysenterica) Medicinal Not Yes Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia 140 WB/S/RAI serpentina) Medicinal Not Hijal (Barringtonia It can survive in Dec acutangula) waterlogged area.Root more developed than shoot.The length of root is three times more than the length of shoot 20
of Special Interest in the PA ew data 1998-03 Ranges Source Remarks atus t known Chapramara Beat Field observation t known Chapramara Beat Field observation clining Wildlife Range Personal Estimate 03
Table 1.13: Deliberate Introduction of Floral Species into PAs 204
Table 1.13: Deliberate Introduc Sno PA code Floral species deliberately Species introduced Yea Old data 1984- New data 1998- Casurina equisetifolia intro 1 A&N/ N/ SAD 87 03 2 A&N/ S/ CUT NO No Ove NP Yes ago 3 A&N/ S/ INT NO No Eucalyptus 197 4 A&N/ S/ NAR No NP Nil 5 A&N/ S/ NOR NP NP No 6 AP/ N/ KAS NP No 7 AP/ N/ MAH NP No 8 AP/ N/ MRU YES No No 9 AP/ N/ VEN Yes 10 AP/ S/ COR AP/ S/ ETU 11 NP No Red Sanders 199 NO No Mahua 199 12 AP/ S/ GUN NO No Terminalia 199 13 AP/ S/ KAW NP No Babul 198 14 AP/ S/ KOL NP No Eucalyptus 198 15 AP/ S/ KOU NO Yes Eucalyptus 198 16 AP/ S/ KRI YES Eucalyptus 198 17 AP/ S/ MAN No Eucalyptus 198 18 AP/ S/ NEL YES Eucalyptus 198 No AP/ S/ NEL NO No Eucalyptus 197 AP/ S/ NEL YES Yes AP/ S/ NEL NO 19 AP/ S/ PAK AP/ S/ PAK AP/ S/ PAK AP/ S/ PAK AP/ S/ PAK 20 AP/ S/ PAP 21 AP/ S/ POC 22 AP/ S/ PRA 23 AP/ S/ PUL NO No Simul (Bombax ceiba), Koroi 198 24 AP/ S/ SIW NO NA (Albizzia procera) 199 25 ARU/ N/ MOU NP No 199 26 ARU/ N/ NAM NO No Gamari (Gmelina arborea), 27 ARU/ S/ DER NO Yes Sissoo(Dalbergia sisso) ARU/ S/ DER Fruit plants ARU/ S/ DER 20
ction of Floral Species into PAs ar of New data 1998-03 Current Status Ranges oduction Reason of introduction Betapur er 10 years Useful as windbreakers and soil Stable o binders. They were also planted to prevent encroachment 77 Raised Industrial Plantation These have failed after Tadvai, Eturnagaram working circle 1st rotation weeds have invaded the area at present 90 Environmental Enrichment Increasing Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary 96 Gap planting Increasing Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary 96 Gap planting Increasing Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary 86 Birds nesting Increasing Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary 85-87 Exotic species Stable Gudur 85-87 Exotic species Stable Nassampet 86-89 Exotic species Stable Gudur 88-89 Exotic species Stable Nassampet 89-90 Exotic species Stable Gudur 75 onwards Under social forestry scheme to Declining Chennur, Nilwai meet the fuelwood demands& employment generation 88-89 Habitat development Most of the plantations All range 90-91 Habitat development have failed due to 90-91 Habitat development floods and fire Most of the plantations All the ranges have failed due to floods and fire Most of the plantations All the ranges have failed due to floods and fire 05
Table 1.13: Deliberate Introduc Sno PA code Floral species deliberately Species introduced Yea ARU/ S/ DER Old data 1984- New data 1998- Fuelwood and fodder plants intro 87 03 199 28 ARU/ S/ KAM NP No Mango (Mangifera indica) 199 29 ARU/ S/ MEH YES Yes Kathal (Artocarpus inegrifolia) 199 Amlaki (Emblica officinalis) 199 ARU/ S/ MEH NP No Jalpai 199 ARU/ S/ MEH NP No Ziziphus spp. 199 ARU/ S/ MEH NP No ARU/ S/ MEH NP No 30 ARU/ S/ YOR No 31 ASS/ N/ DIB NP No 32 ASS/ N/ KAZ NP No 33 ASS/ N/ MAN 34 ASS/ N/ NAME 35 ASS/ N/ ORA 36 ASS/ S/ BAR 37 ASS/ S/ BUR Yes Gmelina arborea 198 ASS/ S/ BUR NP Yes Delbergia sissoo 198 38 ASS/ S/ DIP NP No Eucalyptus The 39 ASS/ S/ EKAR No Arjun hav NP No intro 40 ASS/ S/ GAR No diffe 41 ASS/ S/ GIB NP No The 42 ASS/ S/ KAR NP No hav NP No intro 43 ASS/ S/ LAO NO No diffe 44 ASS/ S/ NAMB YES No No 45 ASS/ S/ PAN No 46 ASS/ S/ POB 47 ASS/ S/ SON 48 BIH/ S/ RAJ CHD/ S/ SUK 49 CHD/ S/ SUK 20
ction of Floral Species into PAs ar of New data 1998-03 Current Status Ranges oduction Reason of introduction 96-97 Most of the plantations All the ranges Habitat development have failed due to floods and fire 97 Food for animals Unknown Mehao Wildlife Range 97 Food for animals Unknown Mehao Wildlife Range 97 Food for animals Unknown Mehao Wildlife Range 97 Food for animals Unknown Mehao Wildlife Range 97 Food for animals Unknown Mehao Wildlife Range 80-81 1. To increase forest cover and Declining, due to Burachapori Wildlife 80-81 enrich forest composition, 2. To ecological reasons. Range check illegal grazing, encroachments, erosion, floods Declining due to Burachapori Wildlife and droughts, 3. To add to the disease Range scenic beauty and to attract wildlife. 1. To increase forest cover and enrich forest composition, 2. To check illegal grazing, encroachments, erosion, floods and droughts, 3. To add to the scenic beauty and to attract wildlife. ese species To provide green cover and to Stable Kansal and Nepli forest e been conserve bio-diversity. Stable area. oduced in erent years. To provide green cover and to Kansal and Nepli forest ese species conserve bio-diversity. area. e been oduced in erent years. 06
Table 1.13: Deliberate Introduc Sno PA code Floral species deliberately Species introduced Yea Old data 1984- New data 1998- Papri intro CHD/ S/ SUK 87 03 Amla The Behra hav CHD/ S/ SUK NO No Neem intro NO No diffe CHD/ S/ SUK NO No Vilayati Kikar (Prosopis juliflora) The NO No hav CHD/ S/ SUK NO No intro diffe 50 CHT/ N/ IND No The 51 CHT/ N/ KAN NO No hav 52 CHT/ S/ ACH NO No intro 53 CHT/ S/ BAR NO No diffe 54 CHT/ S/ BHA NO No The 55 CHT/ S/ GOM NP No hav 56 CHT/ S/ PAM intro 57 CHT/ S/ SIT diffe 58 CHT/ S/ TAM 59 CHT/ S/ UDA 198 60 DEL/ S/ ASO 61 GOA/ S/ BON NP No Prosopis juliflora 50 y 62 GOA/ S/ CHO NO No 197 63 GUJ/ N/ BAN NP No Kikar (Acacia nilotica) 198 64 GUJ/ S/ PUR No Eucalyptus (safada) 65 GUJ/ S/ RAT NP No Eucalyptus Teretecornis 66 GUJ/ S/ WIL YES Yes 67 HAR/ N/ SUL NP No Eucalyptus 68 HAR/ S/ ABU Yes NP Eucalyptus HAR/ S/ ABU No 69 HAR/ S/ BHIN No 70 HAR/ S/ BIRB NP No 71 HAR/ S/ BIRS NP Yes 72 HAR/ S/ CHIL NP 73 HAR/ S/ KAL NP No 74 HAR/ S/ KHA NP No 75 HAR/ S/ NAH NP 20
ction of Floral Species into PAs ar of New data 1998-03 Current Status Ranges oduction Reason of introduction Stable Kansal and Nepli forest ese species Stable area. e been To provide green cover and to Stable oduced in conserve bio-diversity. Stable Kansal and Nepli forest erent years. area. ese species To provide green cover and to e been conserve bio-diversity. Kansal and Nepli forest oduced in area. erent years. To provide green cover and to ese species conserve bio-diversity. Kansal and Nepli forest e been area. oduced in To provide green cover and to erent years. conserve bio-diversity. ese species e been oduced in erent years. 89-90 To cover barren and degraded Increasing Asola areas with vegetation which can come up in water deficit conditions. 1973 To check desertification Increasing Radhanpur Increasing Dabwali range years ago To create strip plantations Stable Jhajjar Declining Bir Bara Ban Jind 78-79 To stabilize the earthen 88-89 embankment around the lake stable Around wetland For growth of trees for their commercial value For reclamation of wetland 07
Table 1.13: Deliberate Introduc Sno PA code Floral species deliberately Species introduced Yea 76 HAR/ S/ SAR Old data 1984- New data 1998- Eucalyptus hybird intro 87 03 196 NP 77 HP/ N/ GRE NO Yes Grasses(Local+Clover) 199 78 HP/ S/ DAR NO Rubenia 199 No HP/ S/ DAR NP No 79 HP/ S/ DHA NO 80 HP/ S/ GAM 81 HP/ S/ KAI NO Yes Tall Fescu 199 82 HP/ S/ KAL No 83 HP/ S/ KAN NO Yes Poplar 198 NO Yes Robinia 198 HP/ S/ KAN NO Yes Tall fescu grass 199 HP/ S/ KAN NO No 84 HP/ S/ KHO NO Yes Robina 198 85 HP/ S/ KUG NO Alanthus Mid HP/ S/ KUG No NP Tall Fescu and White clover 198 86 HP/ S/ LIP NO Yes grasses NO No 87 HP/ S/ MAN No Robinia 199 88 HP/ S/ NAR NO Yes 199 89 HP/ S/ PON Red & white clover grass 199 90 HP/ S/ RUP NO Yes planted in Alpine pastures 198 No Robinia Mid HP/ S/ RUP Yes Rubinia 91 HP/ S/ SAN Yes 92 HP/ S/ SHI Alanthus 93 HP/ S/ TUN Yes Barley HP/ S/ TUN Yes Wild Pea 94 J&K/ N/ HEM Yes Apricot J&K/ N/ HEM Yes Turnip Yes J&K/ N/ HEM Yes Barley Yes Wild Pea J&K/ N/ HEM Yes Barley 95 J&K/ N/ KIS Yes Apricot No Wild Pea 96 J&K/ S/ CHA Turnip J&K/ S/ CHA 97 J&K/ S/ KAR J&K/ S/ KAR J&K/ S/ KAR J&K/ S/ KAR 98 J&K/ S/ OVE 20
ction of Floral Species into PAs ar of New data 1998-03 Current Status Ranges oduction Reason of introduction Entire range 60 Reclamation of water logged and Stable desalted area of the sanctuary 90 Pasture development Stable 90 Fuel and Fodder Stable 96-97 Pasture improvement Increasing On the boundary of the PA on an experimental basis 85 To provide fuelwood Stable 80 To provide fuel and fodder Declining Around Kugti village 90 To provide fodder Around the Dharol & Kugti area 80s To provide fodder to people 1990s For soil conservation Rupi and Bhaba 83 For pasture development Increasing Rupi and Bhaba 90 To meet the fuel and fodder Stable Sangla 97 demand of people Stable 96 Development of Pastures Monthu, Gower, Mandha 80's areas To meet people's needs Mandha 1990's Markha, Rumbak, Chilling, To provide fodder and conserve Stable Kaya Markha, Rumbak, Chilling, soils Kaya Markha, Rumbak, Chilling, Soil conservation Declining Kaya Markha, Rumbak, Chilling, Food, fodder and for making Kaya wine. Stable Nyoma & Chushal ranges Nyoma & Chushal ranges Food, fodder Stable Diskit, Panamik, Diggar Diskit, Panamik Food, fodder, timber, fuel Stable Food and fodder Stable Food, fodder and for making Stable wine. Stable Food and fodder Stable Food, fodder, wine Food, fodder, timber, fuel Food, fodder Food, fodder 08
Table 1.13: Deliberate Introduc Sno PA code Floral species deliberately Species introduced Yea Old data 1984- New data 1998- Eucalyptus Hybrid - Neelgiri intro 99 JHA/ N/ RAJ 87 03 100 JHA/ S/ HAZ NP No 197 101 JHA/ S/ PAR YES No 102 JHA/ S/ UDH NP No 103 KAR/ N/ ANS NP No NP Yes KAR/ N/ ANS Silver Oak Carevillearobusta 196 KAR/ N/ ANS Davabanga Senoroides 197 104 KAR/ N/ BAND 105 KAR/ N/ BANN NO No Eucalyptus Territocolins - Nilgiri Not No 106 KAR/ N/ KUD NP No 107 KAR/ N/ NAG NP 108 KAR/ S/ ADI NO Yes KAR/ S/ ADI Acacia Auruculiformis Not 109 KAR/ S/ ARA 110 KAR/ S/ ATT NP No Pinus 1200 m. 198 NA 111 KAR/ S/ BHA NO Eucalyptus-Neelgiri 196 112 KAR/ S/ BIL No Acacia auriculasformis 196 NO Yes Cassoda-Cassia siamea 196 113 KAR/ S/ BRA NO Santalum album 196 114 KAR/ S/ DAN No Lagerstroemia Hosregia Yes KAR/ S/ DAN KAR/ S/ DAN KAR/ S/ DAN KAR/ S/ DAN KAR/ S/ DAN Silver Oak-Grevillea Robusta 196 115 KAR/ S/ DOR NP No Eucalyptus Territocolins - Niligiri Not 116 KAR/ S/ GHA NO Yes 117 KAR/ S/ GUD NP 118 KAR/ S/ KAV NP 119 KAR/ S/ MEL NO KAR/ S/ MEL Acacia Auriculasformis - Acacia Not 120 KAR/ S/ MOO NO No Bambusa Vulgaris - Yellow Not 121 KAR/ S/ NUG NO No Bamboo 122 KAR/ S/ PUS NP 123 KAR/ S/ RANE NO No 124 KAR/ S/ RANG YES Yes 125 KAR/ S/ SHA NO No Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus Prio 126 KAR/ S/ SHE YES citriodora form KAR/ S/ SHE Acacia - Acacia auriculaformis 198 127 KAR/ S/ SOM NO 20
ction of Floral Species into PAs ar of New data 1998-03 Current Status Ranges oduction Reason of introduction 71 Commercial purpose Declining Wildlife Range 62 Commercial purpose Declining Kumbarwada 76 Commercial purpose Stable Wildlife Range Kumbareada Wildlife Range Anashi available To cover the barren area Stable Entire PA available To cover the barren area Stable Entire PA 85 Shola spread shola grass Stable Yelandur 61 Commercial Declining 61 Commercial Declining Wildlife range Kulgi 61 Commercial Declining Wildlife Range Kulgi 61 Commercial Declining Wildlife Range Kulgi Declining Wildlife Range Kulgi commercial Wildlife Range Kumbarwada 62 Commercial Declining Wildlife Range Kumbarwada available To cover the barren areas Stable Outer fringer of available To cover the baren areas Stable Narayadurga & Mudibetta SF Outer fringer of Narayadurga & Mudibetta SF Known Ornamental Stable Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary or to the A forestation of degraded forest Stable Hanagere and Shimoga mation of PA land Hanagere and Shimoga 83 Raising pulpwood plantations Stable 09
Table 1.13: Deliberate Introduc Sno PA code Floral species deliberately Species introduced Yea Old data 1984- New data 1998- intro 128 KAR/ S/ TAL 87 03 Congo signal grass (Brachiara 129 KER/ N/ ERA NP No ruziziensis ) introduced in early NO No 1990s according to WII Study. Not reported by PA authorities 130 KER/ S/ ARA YES No Peltoforum 198 NO 131 KER/ S/ CHIN NP No 132 KER/ S/ WAY NO No 133 MAH/ N/ AND NO No 134 MAH/ N/ NAV YES No 135 MAH/ N/ PEN No 136 MAH/ N/ SAN Yes MAH/ N/ SAN Kaju 198 137 MAH/ S/ AMB 138 MAH/ S/ ANE NP No Nilgiri (Eucalyptus spp.) 196 139 MAH/ S/ BHA NP Silver oak Not 140 MAH/ S/ BHI NP Yes Moha (Madhuca longifolia) 196 Yes MAH/ S/ BHI YES Yes MAH/ S/ BHI NP No No 141 MAH/ S/ BOR 142 MAH/ S/ CHAN 143 MAH/ S/ CHAP 144 MAH/ S/ DEU No Jowar Bajra (Lure crops) 199 145 MAH/ S/ GAU NP No Azadirachta indica 199 146 MAH/ S/ GRE No Dalbergia Sisoo 199 NP 147 MAH/ S/ GYA NP No Neem 148 MAH/ S/ JAI No Babul 149 MAH/ S/ KAL YES No Gliricidia 150 MAH/ S/ KAR NP Nil 151 MAH/ S/ KAT Yes Mangifera indica(Amba) 198 NP Hardwickia binata(Anjan) 198 MAH/ S/ KAT No 152 MAH/ S/ MAL NO Yes 153 MAH/ S/ MAY NP Yes NP Yes MAH/ S/ MAY NP MAH/ S/ MAY No NO No 154 MAH/ S/ NAG NP No 155 MAH/ S/ NAI No 156 MAH/ S/ NAR No 157 MAH/ S/ PAI No Yes MAH/ S/ PAI 158 MAH/ S/ RAD 159 MAH/ S/ SAG MAH/ S/ SAG 21
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